Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A New You

SUMMARY: Again, no comments were received.  .


Psychologists recognize that people defend by keeping their true self to themselves.  With others, we "put our best foot forward."  We only show more of our true selves to those with whom we are intimate; in the interpersonal sense and/or in the sexual sense.  If fact someone once defined intimacy as being able to be who we really are, without fear of rebuke or of being exploited.  Psychologists say that we adopt a Persona, like a mask, to show to other people, and we adjust it based on the reactions it produces in them (the looking glass self).  I think that much of the sense of loneliness modern people feel is due to their inability to be authentic, and to the fear that they will not be accepted by others if they reveal their "true colors."

Each person is unique, and their personality is distinctive.  However, we are also alike in many ways.  People sometimes search to find answers to the question, "Who am I."  We send our DNA off to strangers to learn what part of the world our ancestors came from.  We look to our parents, and how they raised us.  People say, "He is just like his dad."  It is said that we are products of our culture, or environment, or poverty.  We often identify with famous  people, and try to emulate them.  To some people their racial or ethnic identity is important to who they think they are.  On the bumpers of our cars we see that someone is the proud parent of a student at a certain school.  We say that we are Democrats, Republicans, or disaffected politically.  Men draw a lot of their identity from what they do for a living.  Some people see themselves as victims.  Others see themselves as "movers and shakers."  As we get older, we tend to see ourselves in terms of how we have met life's challenges, trials, and temptations.  The list could go on and on, if it hasn't already.  The good news is that the things that we believe are part of our identity do not have to be permanent; unless we think they do.  We can change, but often it takes the power of God to do it.

In Christ, you can become a new person.  The old passes away, and all things become new.  God has promised that anyone who believes in Jesus can be saved.  Are you sick of always settling for a life that you are ashamed of?  Would you like to live forever, starting today?  Turn away from the sinful things that are making you unhappy.  Humble yourself and surrender yourself to Jesus.  The Holy Spirit will live in you and give you the desire please God; to take up your cross and follow Him.

Pray for these things, and you will given the power to become a Child of the Living God.  You will never see yourself in the same way again.  Get a modern language version of the Bible, and read it starting with the New Testament.  I recommend the New International Version (NIV).  Then, find a Bible believing church.  (Stay away from cults that do not teach the fundamental doctrines that the Christian Church has always taught throughout history.)  Schedule a meeting with the pastor or start attending the Discipleship or New Believer's classes.  Share with them your experience, and ask for guidance.  Listen to the Holy Spirit calling you  The Grace of God is a free gift, all you have to do is receive it.