Monday, September 17, 2018

Recommended Viewing

It is a rare occasion when I recommend something.  Sometimes, friends and relatives have acted on a recommendation, and they have been disappointed.  So, I am very careful about what I endorse.

That said, I would like to recommend that you see:

“Body and Soul – The State of the Jewish Nation”
Directed by Gloria Z. Greenfield
Produced by George Violin
Associate Producers include Adam and Gila Milstein and the Zionist Organization of America
Numerous distinguished commentators

The program can be streamed through Amazon Prime, or you can order the DVD through Amazon.  It is not expensive to order the DVD.  By listing the Associate Producers, I am fully disclosing that this is a pro-Israel documentary.

If you have an open mind, and if you want to hear both sides of the story, you will find in this work the Jewish case for the existence of Israel as a nation-state with Jerusalem as its capitol.  It is clear, concise, correct, and complete.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

BC and AD, etc.

I like to watch documentaries on television.  I tend to watch a lot of historical documentaries or programs about current events that use a chronological development.

Traditionally, dates from the Gregorian calendar have used the advent of Christ as a reference point.  Events that happened before Jesus’ birth were labeled BC (Before Christ); those after His birth AD (anno Domini, often translated as “in the year of our Lord”).

Recently, I have noticed that some programs, particularly those produced for PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), or on behalf of other faiths are using BCE (Before Common, or Current, Era); or CE (Common Era) in place of BC and AD.  The dates are otherwise the same.  I learned that this has been so, since the 1990’s or even earlier.

I guess that goes to show that I have gotten a little out of touch.  I keep busy, and I miss things while dealing with the challenges of daily living.  I was about to write a diatribe against political correctness, but I have reconsidered after researching the matter. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” (Abraham Lincoln)

Apparently, using dates that do not refer to a particular religion is more comfortable or “inclusive” in the view of some.  That is understandable in the case of work that represents the point of view of a different religious tradition.  I am concerned that the educational system may begin to correct Christians when they use BC and AD in their work.  That would be an infringement of their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religious expression.

“Lamp in a Corner” is a Christian blog.  I will, therefore, continue to use BC and AD when referring to dates.