Thursday, September 14, 2023

Political Correctness

"How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four.
Saying that a tail is a leg doesn't make it a leg.”

Abraham Lincoln [1]

Some people seem to believe that the way we perceive something can be changed by changing the language used to refer to it.  They are not entirely wrong.  We think in language, therefore, changing the language we use to describe a thing can change the way we feel about it.  However, as President Lincoln so aptly illustrated it, changing the language used to describe a person, place, event, or belief system (for example) does not change the reality of what it is.

It is not moral or ethical to use language to manipulate others.  It is also wrong to prevent others from saying or writing things that are not politically correct.

It’s okay to try to persuade others to believe as we do, but it is un-American to shout down the opposition.  It is wrong to use brainwashing or “mind games” to change another’s perception of reality.

Truth is truth.   It must be spoken in love, but it must be said clearly and honestly.

Lamp in a Corner fully supports the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.   Authentic Americans do not deprive their fellow citizens of our constitutional right to free speech, even if we believe what they are saying is wrong or offensive.

We should respect each other. Considerate people do not misuse free speech to purposefully wound, offend or diminish others. Nevertheless, it is our duty to be honest and truthful, and that duty outweighs avoiding the possibility of ruffling somebody’s feathers.

Polling shows that a majority of Americans think that political correctness has been taken too far. [2]  I have disliked it since the Clinton Administration, when I first became aware of its oppressiveness. If you agree, vote for candidates who favor free speech over political correctness in 2024.