Saturday, April 24, 2021


My dog died last Tuesday.  She was 14 years old.  A few months ago, we learned she had cancer.  It took us unawares because she was always healthy.  I had hoped she would outlive me.

When the burden of her illness became too great for her to bear, we helped her on her way to peace and rest.  I think she knew the end was near.  About a week ago, she asked to get up into my lap, and she put her ear to my chest to listen to my heartbeat … just like she used to when she was a puppy.  When her last day came, she lay down beside her mate for a while as if to say goodbye.

The week has been full of memories … of the things we did together, and that we didn’t do but could have.  Every time I think I have stopped hurting, something reminds me of her, and the pain comes back.

Lady was the smartest dog I ever met.  She did all the lovable things dogs do, but there was more.  She engaged with you.  Her mind was always working, and she would look you in the eyes and communicate.  If you were open to it, she could let you know what she was thinking and feeling.  I could get another dog, but there will never be another dog like Lady.

She wasn’t perfect, but she tried very hard to be good.  To me, Lady was more than just a dog.  She was a dear friend.  I miss her so.