Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Abortion II

In the United states, the issue of abortion is often volatile and divisive.  Efforts to have intellectually honest and authentic conversations about when human life begins, contraception, and abortion often turn into shouting matches, and worse.  Then again, many people just don’t care; until they are affected personally.

Roman Catholics believe that God’s will is interfered with when any method of contraception is used.  Others believe that not planning pregnancy is socially irresponsible.  Most believe that abortion should not become a method of contraception.  Many Protestants think that God is sovereign, all-knowing, and all powerful.  They believe that if God wills someone to be born, they will be, and the use of contraception (not abortion) is permissible.  Personally, I believe that I will meet Jesus face to face, and I will understand all things then.  Until that time, I am to rely on the Holy Bible as my ultimate guide to faith and practice. 

Many people, however, do not believe in God, and they oppose efforts to impose Bible based restrictions on them.  Others believe there is a God, but that He will just have to understand if they ignore Him when His rules become inconvenient.

My God says that we are not to commit murder. (Exodus 20:13) The U.S. Constitution says that no one may be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. (14th Amendment)  So, the debate often centers on when human life begins.

When a sperm cell unites with an egg inside a woman’s body, the resultant fertilization produces a zygote that has unique DNA.  That particular set of DNA never existed before, and will never again, except in the case of multiple births from a single egg.  Is this when human life begins?  Immediately, cells begin to divide within the zygote forming an embryo, which may become attached to the woman’s uterus.  After three months, the attached embryo is called a fetus.  Except in the case of a miscarriage, a live birth will result, if the pregnancy is not interfered with.  When along the way does a baby become a human being?

Pregnancy … sooner or later people are going to figure out what causes that.  Unless one or both partners are sterile, sexual intercourse between a man and a woman always involves the risk of pregnancy.  Except in cases like rape or child abuse, when people have sex it is because they choose or consent to do so.  Since some object to the interjection of religion into the conversation, let’s set it aside for a moment.  Ethical people accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.  Are not those who choose to have sex bound to accept responsibility for the consequences?

People are human.  They make mistakes.  I did.  By the grace of God, I didn’t (to the best of my knowledge) father a child outside of marriage.  I was lucky, but if I had I would have taken responsibility to care for the child or seen that it was adopted, given the cooperation of the lady involved.  Yea me.  What about the woman who gets pregnant during an affair with a married man, or the young college student who will have to abandon a good future to raise a child?  What about the parents of a teenage daughter who gets pregnant with a guy who will surely ruin her life further if she marries him, or the welfare mom who already has more children than she can provide for?  Tough choices.

Since people sometimes do a bad job of dealing with tough choices, the community (government) acts to legislate responsible behavior.  Libertarians may say that is not an appropriate role for government.  I wish it were not necessary, however, the government is supposed to be an expression of the will of the people in America.  People here feel a corporate responsibility to protect human life.  We just can’t agree about how to do it.

Presently, most states allow late-term (third trimester) abortion under restrictive circumstances.  Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. allow late-term abortion with little restriction.  New York and Virginia, have laws that allow open access to abortion, and have (or are in the process of providing for) abortion up to and including when a woman is in labor.  Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia is reported to have said that if a viable baby is born alive as a result of a late-term abortion, and the mother so chooses, it should be kept comfortable but allowed to die.  When he was a state legislator in Illinois, Barack Obama is reported to have voted “present” on a bill that provided what Gov. Northam is currently proposing.

A large number of other states have adopted very restrictive abortion laws.  Whether the laws are prochoice or prolife, they are already being challenged in court.  There are people who think some of the prolife laws are being passed with the intention of eventually challenging Roe v. Wade before the supreme court.

I will be 71 years old soon.  In my life I have found that heartache, misery, and shame follow when we don’t do what God tells us to.  It isn’t always easy, but it is better than the chaos caused by a sinful way of life.  One thing we can learn from the nasty fight we have been having in America over abortion is that, when the blind lead the blind they all fall into a pit. (Matthew 15:14)  God gave us sex and children for our happiness.  I urge that we handle sex and procreation the way God has told us to.

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you,
then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve … 
But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
(Joshua 24:15 NIV)