Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I Love a Parade

President Trump has chosen to give the military a larger role in the Independence Day parade tomorrow in Washington, D.C.  Predictably, he is being criticized for it by Liberals in the press and the Democratic Party.

Please allow me to point out that without the sacrifices of our service men and women we would not have an opportunity to celebrate our freedom tomorrow.  The numbers vary a bit by source, but I think it is reasonably accurate to say that the United States of America has sustained over 650,000 combat deaths, and almost 1,500,000 wounded, since the Revolutionary War.*  Therefore, I think our armed forces have earned a place of honor in the parade.

I am thankful that more resources are now being provided to ensure that our military is the best equipped and trained fighting force possible.  I do not object to the display of our weapons in the parade.  Every American should be given the confidence to have a reasonable sense of satisfaction with our state of readiness.

It makes me sick to see the lack of respect and the ingratitude being displayed by the Left over this matter.  As a Viet Nam Era veteran, I think a little recognition is due to our fallen, to our wounded, to all veterans, and especially to their families.