Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Fable

There was a rancher who wanted to make some improvements on his place.  A small stream ram through his property, and he decided to build a dam across it to give his cattle a more dependable water supply.

He borrowed a bulldozer from his brother in law and blocked the flow of the stream where it ran between two small hills.  The water backed up and formed a pond.  However, the water soon began to erode the sides of the dam, and it began to wash away.

The rancher tried reinforcing the sides of the dam with gravel and rock, but then the center began to give way.  The rancher to went back to his brother in law and borrowed a backhoe.  He dug a spillway so that some of the water would drain before it got high enough to erode the dam.

Eventually, the dam regulated the flow, and there was enough water for his cattle all year long.  However, the rancher had to supplement the dam with a spillway to get the job done.  The dam could not do the job alone.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has experienced a migration of people, who have entered the country and stayed here illegally.  In Washington, DC our elected officials are debating what to do about it right now.  The liberals are disposed to what amounts to open immigration.  The conservatives only want to allow people to immigrate who have job skills that we need.  As usual, the two sides seem to have trouble finding a middle ground.

President Trump wants to build a wall along the border with Mexico.  Like the rancher’s dam, a wall cannot solve the problem by itself.  People from Mexico, Central America and the Middle East will find a way over, under, around, and through the wall.  Further, many illegal migrants from Asia are smuggled in on ships, and that would not be stopped by a border wall.  The wall would be an impediment to illegal migration and trafficking in humans and drugs, but the wall alone cannot fix the problem.

The only thing that can stop people from migrating into the country illegally is to destroy the incentive for them to do so.  The same thing as true for the importation of illegal drugs.  I am not against building a wall, and I think it would help.  But like the rancher, we need other measures to effectively regulate immigration.

People will keep coming to the United States illegally until we make it impossible for them to work, find housing, educate their children, get medical care, and obtain public assistance (to name a few.)  If they can’t come across the southern border because of the wall, they will come around it by boat, or any other means they can devise.

Estimates of the number of persons living in the United States illegally very.  The figure we hear most often is that there are 11 or 12 million.  Some say that we can’t deport them all. Certainly, a wall will do nothing about the illegal migrants who are already here.  However, if persons living in the United States illegally cannot earn a living, keep a roof over their head, get treatment when they’re sick, send their children to school, get utility hookups, or food stamps, they will go home on their own.  I would even be willing for ICE to buy them bus tickets.

Fellow Americans, the time has come to call, write, and e-mail our elected representatives.  Enough is enough.  If China invaded the United States within just one million soldiers, we would have World War III.  We have been invaded.