Friday, October 7, 2016

Can it get any Worse?

News reports tonight say that past statements by both presidential candidates are causing major problems for their campaigns.  Hillary Clinton made statements to her Wall Street backers, during speaking engagements about two years ago, to the effect that it was necessary to make misleading statements to the public.  She is reported to have said that it was necessary to give the public the impression that she was not obliged to look after the interests of the financial community in order to get elected, but that she would in fact take care of the financial community once in office.  Donald Trump is reported to have made unforgivably sexist remarks demeaning to women during a conversation with a reporter about ten years ago, when he did not know his microphone was on.

I want to thank both candidates for making my point.  Neither of them is fit to hold the Office of President of the United States.  For the good of the country, it is their duty to put an end to this sad, sad spectacle.

Lamp in a Corner calls for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to withdraw themselves from candidacy.  They should issue Sherman type statements to the effect that they will not serve if elected.  The Republican and Democratic parties should initiate candidate replacement protocols immediately.

As my favorite poet, Robert Burns, said in his immortal poem, “To A Louse:”

O wad some Power the giftie gie us 
To see oursels as ithers see us!