Friday, October 16, 2020

Once We Were, Now We Are

For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another.  But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared,  He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,  whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,  so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.  (Titus 3:3-7 NASB) *

... for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.  (2Timothy 1:12 NASB) *



Sunday, October 11, 2020

Abortion 2020


In American politics, abortion is the 500 pound gorilla in the corner of the room.  Politicians fear taking a public position on abortion.  No matter whether they say they are pro-choice or pro-life, they are going to make a lot of people mad at them if they tell the truth about where they stand.  Nevertheless, abortion is a deal breaker for many voters, and they want to know a candidate’s position on it.

Abortion is an emotional issue, and rational, logical, analytical reasoning does not always hold sway.  People often make up their minds based on what they feel about abortion, and not what they think, or perhaps their feelings overcome their attempts to reason their way through the issue.

Others decide where they stand on the abortion question by gathering the facts, evaluating them, and drawing a conclusion.  Rationalization is one of Freud’s ego defense mechanisms.  Perhaps I tend to rely on logical, reasoned arguments for my point of view because they provide a mechanism for defending it.  However, Albert Ellis is reported to have said that, “Introspection is the high road to neurosis.”  So, I have learned to try to avoid too much of it.

It is easy to offend or wound another person when discussing abortion, depending on their personal history and values.  I try not to hurt people with what I say.  Regardless, an election year is the time to speak out plainly and directly about abortion, before too many more people cast their ballots.

The courts have decided that the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects all persons within our borders from being, “… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law …”  The courts have ruled that illegal migrants have a right to due process.  Do they have more rights than an unborn American child?  So for me, one of the decision points about abortion is, when does an unborn child become a human being?  There is a lot of disagreement about that.

From the time that the human egg is fertilized, the unborn child has unique DNA that has never existed before and will never exist again.  When the unborn child attaches to the uterus, a pregnancy becomes viable.  Soon, the fetus will have a heartbeat and begin to react to external stimuli.  If carried to full term, a live birth usually results.  A person that is born on American soil is an American citizen by law, and their life may not be taken without due process of law.

Think it over.  When do you think an unborn child is fully human?

For me, once a pregnancy becomes viable the unborn child has a chance at life, and to take it is to kill a human life.  In my opinion, that is unconstitutional, and therefore illegal.

Another argument has to do with values and ethics.  Some people choose not to regard religious belief as logical or rational.  It is their right.  I can only speak for myself.  As a Christian, my values and ethics are governed by the Word of God.  The better modern translations of the Holy Bible render the 6th Commandment: “You shall not murder.  (Exodus 20:13 NASB) *  Since I regard the viable fetus as a human life, I think it violates God’s Word to take that life.  I do not have the right to force others to believe the way that I do, but I have the right to peacefully advocate for it.  One way to do that is with my vote.

Emotionally speaking, all I can ask is that you search your heart.  Explore your feelings. If you do so honestly, your conscience will tell you that abortion is just plain wrong.

believe a woman has the right to defend herself.  If there is a high degree of probability that carrying a child to term will kill the mother, or cause her permanent bodily harm, then she has the right to protect herself.  If a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, a woman has the right to defend herself from further injury by terminating it.  Even though ending a viable pregnancy is taking a human life, I believe the mother’s right to defend herself supersedes the child’s right to life in these specific circumstances.

Some advocate that the mother may choose to end a baby’s life after live birth, or close to the time of delivery (partial birth abortion).  That is infanticide.  It is so evil that I am sickened by the very thought of it.  How far must we fall before we hit bottom?  God forgive us.

Public funding of abortions makes every citizen complicit, especially those who pay taxes.  It is forcing “people of faith” to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs.  If an elected leader is not able to understand that, they have no business holding public office.  Please do not vote for someone like that.

Abortion must not be just another method of birth control.  There are many alternatives, which deserve public support.  As a Director of Social Services in a remote mountain county in the 1980’s, I personally provided adoptive services.  I know that there are waiting lists of prospective adoptive parents, especially for infant adoptions.  The family is also often a resource for children from unplanned pregnancies.  We need more and better alternative living arrangements for mothers expecting the birth of a child to be placed for adoption.  The church needs to stop judging and step up to the plate to help mothers with unplanned pregnancies.  Birth control must be made available to girls who are of legal age to consent to sex (generally 16 years old and older).  Counselling services need to be expanded to help women avoid unplanned pregnancies and access services for the child if an unplanned pregnancy occurs.

The time to decide is now.  Please vote for life, not death.


