Thursday, September 29, 2016

Basket of Deplorables

I oppose Hillary Clinton; I do not hate her.  I do not oppose her because of her gender, any more than I oppose President Obama because of his African-American heritage.  I oppose them because I disagree with them on almost all of the issues, nearly all of the time.  I believe they are wrong, and that just about everything they say and do is bad for the country.

Unfortunately, it is true that some bad people like David Duke and the Hell’s Angels have endorsed Donald Trump.  When you are a leader, sometimes the wrong people get behind you.  It does not mean that those who support Mr. Trump, or just agree with his ideas, are somehow tainted because some bad people support him.  If that were true, those who agree with Mrs. Clinton would be likewise contaminated.

As I have stated in a previous post, I agree with Mr. Trump much more often than I disagree with him, and vastly more often than I agree with Mrs. Clinton.  If that makes me “deplorable” in her estimation, then make room for me in the basket.

I understand that Mrs. Clinton has tried to “walk back” her “basket of deplorables” (sic.) statement.  As Mr. Trump is slowly learning (the hard way) some things are very difficult to take back.  That is because they betray basic attitudes.  They give away a person’s “true colors,” so to speak.  As the lyrics to the John Prine song Dear Abby say, “You are what you are and you ain’t what you ain’t.”  Hillary Clinton is an elitist.  Those who agree with her are liberal and enlightened, and the rest of us should step aside and trust our betters to know what is good for us.

One of her tactics is to attach pejorative labels to those who oppose her ideas.  Mrs. Clinton says that the deplorables are misogynists, bigots, and homophobes, and that is why they support Mr. Trump.  She has also called Mr. Trump, and his supporters by implication, xenophobic.

To be very clear, Lamp in a Corner stands on the scripture that says, “If anyone says, ’I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar.” (1John 4:20) Hatred or prejudice of any kind is wrong, period.  To the extent that we know of applicable scripture, we stand with love on what it says with regard to the problems America faces in today’s world.

We oppose bigotry.  However, we do not believe that it makes a person a bigot if they believe that their religious beliefs are the only true path to eternal life with God. (John 14:6) A person is not automatically a bigot if they make a critical statement about people of a different race.

We oppose misogyny. However, if a person is pro-life, and opposes abortion on demand, it does not necessarily make them a woman hater.

We oppose homophobia.  Jesus loved us so much that gave His life for homosexuals; and the rest of us sinners. (Mk 2:17, Rom 5:8, John 3:16)  If we want to become like Him, shouldn't we love others in the same way?  We also understand the Bible to teach that homosexuality is a sin (Lev 18:22, Rom 1:26-27, 1Cor 6:9-10), and that marriage is between one man and one woman. (Gen 2:24)

We want our country to look after the interests of its own citizens as a priority.  That does not mean that we are a jingoist who says “my country right or wrong” no matter what our country does; or does not do.  We do not regard a person as ethnocentric if they want to preserve the dominant norms and values of our society by screening those who apply to immigrate to see if they oppose those norms and values.  We want immigrants who want to become Americans and useful and productive citizens.

If you do not agree with Hillary, you are said to be a “hater” and an enemy.  Be warned, those who agree with her will need to march in step, because, as the old Buffalo Springfield song says, “If you step out of line the man come and take you away.”  In Hillary Clinton’s ideal “Big Brother” society, there will be new kinds of criminal behavior.

Gun ownership and use, without the government’s, permission will become a crime.  Hillary does not believe the Second Amendment protects the right of the individual to keep and bear arms.  She thinks recent Supreme Court decisions to the contrary were wrong.  In her ideal society, you will be able to own a gun if the government lets you, but it will be illegal for you to carry it, buy too much ammunition for it, keep it in your house, defend your family with it, and especially to hunt Bambi with it.  She believes that gun registration and the licensing of gun owners is needed to stop gun violence; despite the fact that the bulk of the evidence shows that the opposite is true.  In Australia and the United Kingdom, licensure and registration led to the subsequent mass confiscation of legally owned guns.  Hillary Clinton said that what happened there should be “looked into,” implying that it could become a model for the United States.

Using your freedom of speech, guaranteed by the bill of rights, will become a crime if you advocate peacefully in the marketplace of ideas for what the Progressives think is not politically correct.  It is happening now.  Speaking an inconvenient truth will get you kicked out of college (or earn you a failing grade in class) today if you speak out on campus. Today, at many universities, there is no such thing as academic freedom, and there will be no such thing as freedom of speech in society as a whole if Mrs. Clinton gets three or more appointments to the supreme court and/or Democratic control of the U.S. Congress.  

Honest, law abiding citizens will no longer just be labeled.  They will be adjudicated criminals.  Imagine, if you will, getting convicted for Felony Hate Speech. Not for urging that harm come to someone because they are Black, but merely for stating that the majority of today's African-American children are born out of wedlock, due to the deterioration of the Black family structure.  Be vigilant, and know that once rights are taken away, they are almost never restored.

Please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.  If you cannot bring yourself to vote for Donald Trump, then write in.  (The third party candidates are ideologues, who have no conception about how the real world works.)  Further, please do not give Mrs. Clinton’s party a majority in congress.  Vote, but please do not elect Hillary Clinton.