I am a veteran.
Like most veterans, I know that “freedom isn’t free.” The vote is more than a civic duty. It is a sacred right in a free country.
Better men and women than I am have sacrificed to
preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States. They have died and been wounded. They have lost spouses and lovers. They have missed the final illnesses and
funerals of parents, grandparents, and other loved ones. They have missed the birth of children and seeing their children grow
up. That is one reason why I have never
missed voting in a presidential election, and I have only missed voting in one
congressional election; because I was recovering from serious burns.
I urge every American who is able to vote to do so. Like Sen. Ted Cruz, I urge every American to
vote their conscience; even if I disagree with who you vote for. Sen. Cruz damaged himself by not endorsing
Donald Trump. Some say that, as a
professing Christian, he should have been more forgiving. Maybe it would have been a better witness for
Christ if he had, and maybe not.
However, he followed his conscience, and urged everyone else to do so,
as well. He deserves our respect for
being willing to stand up for what he believes, no matter what the
consequences. I can do no less.
Living in Idaho has a lot of advantages. No matter how I vote, Idaho’s four electoral
votes will go to the Republican presidential candidate. That frees me to follow my conscience and
write in for anyone I want. I plan to
write in for Sen. Ted Cruz. If I still
lived in Colorado, where the outcome of the election is in doubt, I would feel
obligated to vote for Donald Trump. I agree with most of his proposed policies, but who he is as a man makes me very worried about his becoming the president.
Hillary Clinton, and the platform of the Democratic party, are totally
unacceptable. If it was necessary, I would vote against
Hillary Clinton, rather than vote for Donald Trump. Following your conscience is more than who
you vote for; it is also who you vote against.
Appointments to the Supreme Court, and other federal
courts, are at stake. The emphasis and
direction of the Justice Department is at stake. Therefore, the direction of our society is at
stake. Vote for traditional American
values, and against socialism and godless secular humanism. When you vote, I urge you to vote in such a
way that candidates who support traditional American values will be
elected. Please vote against Hillary
Clinton and the other Democrats running for office. Please preserve who we are as a people and
our way of life. Pray, and vote as if
your freedom depended on it. It does.
Thank you.