Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Tribute to Jack Van Impe

We learned today that Dr. Jack Van Impe died on January 18, 2020.  He was 88 years old.  We know, however, that when the earthly bodies of the saved die, their soul is immediately  present with the Lord (2Corinthians 5), and we know that Jack is with Jesus now.  We thank God for the time Jack was here, and for all the people he brought to Christ.  He and his wife, Rexella, made each listener feel like we were their brothers and sisters in Christ.  His reward will be great, and we are confident that he will be one of the first to lay his crowns at the feet of Jesus.

He shared his ministry with his wife, and they focused on warning people that the time is short, that Jesus’ return is imminent … and then asking people to accept Jesus as their Savior.  Every one of their TV broadcasts and other recorded messages that I saw ended with an alter call.  Dr. Van Impe was uncompromising in calling the church to holiness.  He fearlessly defended Christianity against all opponents.

Of his work that I am familiar with, I will testify that he was at his best as a Biblical expositor, especially in the area of Bible prophesy.  I highly recommend two of his DVD recordings: Revelation Revealed Verse by Verse, and Daniel, Final End Time Mysteries Unsealed.  They are available from the ministry for a small contribution. ( )  They may also be found on eBay.

Prophesy was always a mystery to me.  Then my wife introduced me to Jack and Rexella’s TV program.  It took a long time, but thanks to Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsey, and the Holy Spirit I think I’ve finally got it.  I am in their debt.

The old guard like Billy Graham and Jack Van Impe are being called home.  Let us pray that the Lord will raise up worthy successors.