* https://biblehub.com/
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Thanksgiving 2020
* https://biblehub.com/
Sunday, November 22, 2020
No Such Thing
government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take
away everything you have." *
It appears that a majority of American voters prefer freebies to freedom. Those who promise student loan forgiveness, free college tuition, free health care, free public transportation, a guaranteed income, and so forth are not doing it because they are benevolent. They are doing it because if the government can control your educational opportunities, access to medical care, travel, and the livelihood upon which you depend, they can control you. It’s all about power.
Fellow citizens, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody has to pay. The Liberals, Progressives, and Democratic Socialists say they will tax the “rich” to pay for it. A half-truth is still a lie. They will indeed tax the “rich,” but it is not possible to raise the kind of revenue they will need to pay for what they are proposing by taxing the “rich” alone. The math just doesn’t work.
The government will pay for your freebies with deficit spending (spending more than they take in), which will drive huge increases in the public debt. When more public debt is created than the government can pay for, they just print more money. That will increase the amount of money in circulation, causing the value of money to go down. Mr. Average American, your money will be worth less. In other words, your hamburger will cost more in the future than it does now; much more. Does that sound familiar? It will take a hundred dollars to buy the athletic shoes that now cost seventy-five. What does this mean? It means that you will pay for your “free” government benefits.
The private sector converts natural resources into products, and value is added to those products at various stages until they are sold to consumers. This productive activity creates wealth resulting in prosperity (jobs) for those who are part of the productive process. The government taxes the income from productive activity and then spends it, often wastefully. When AOC and Bernie Sanders say they will pay for your freebies by taxing the “rich,” what they will actually do is motivate the “rich” to relocate productive activity overseas.
Dude! It means you will have to keep on living in your parent’s basement because you can’t find a job.
It looks like those who voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, or who did not vote at all, may get the bad government they deserve. The rest of us (almost half the voters) who voted for Donald Trump and Mike Pence may suffer for something that is not our fault. We will just have to get by the best we can until 2024. Hopefully, states like Pennsylvania and Georgia will learn how to run an election honestly by then.
this quotation nor any of its variant forms has been found in the writings of
Thomas Jefferson … It was copyrighted in 1957 by the General Features
Corporation, as part of a syndicated newspaper feature called "Today's
Chuckle." It later became a popular saying among Republican
politicians. Governor Harold W. Handley of Indiana used it in his annual
message to the Indiana General Assembly in 1961; Barry Goldwater
was quoted using it in his 1964 run for president; and Gerald Ford
is on record using it in an address to a joint session of Congress on August
12, 1974.” https://www.monticello.org/