Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Second Advent

Christian Eschatology is the study of “last things,” or end-time events.  There is diversity of opinion among Christians regarding these events and the order in which they occur.  Disagreements about the interpretation of scripture regarding end-time events have led to division and separation between believers.  Lamp in a Corner exists to tell people about Jesus, and to help us grow as Christians – not to cause division.  We urge all believers not to break fellowship over disagreements about Eschatology.  What follows is our point of view, but we acknowledge that there are those who see things differently. 

The Holy Bible refers to end-time events, which include the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. These events consist of the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming, the Millenium, the Defeat of Satan, the Judgement, and Eternity.  In the Rapture Jesus will return in the sky and resurrect those who have died trusting in Him for their salvation. Then the resurrected Christians, and believers who are living at the time, will be caught up in the air to be with Jesus forever in new bodies like His. (1Corinthians 15:20-58, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1John 3:2) 

The Tribulation is a seven-year period when God’s wrath will be poured out on an unbelieving world.  It is described in Zephaniah 1:14-18 and 3:8, and in Revelation, Chapters 6-18.  It seems to be most consistent with salvation by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) that the Tribulation follows the Rapture.  The all-sufficiency of Jesus atoning sacrifice for our sins (Colossians 2:10, 1Corinthians 1:30, 2Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 10:14) indicates that those who trust in Jesus alone for their salvation will go to be with Him and will not be subject to God’s wrath. (1Thessalonians1:10, 1Thessalonians 5:9-10, Revelation 3:10) 

A thorough discussion of the Tribulation is beyond the scope of this post.  The literature about it is voluminous and readily available.  A synopsis by pastor and author David Jeremiah can be found at:  

The Tribulation will end with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  He will return to Earth to reign as Messiah for 1,000 years (the Millennium).  His enemies the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be defeated, and Satan will be bound and held prisoner.  When the Millenium is over, Satan will be allowed to go free, and he will lead a rebellion against Christ.  He will be defeated, and he will join the False Prophet and the Antichrist in the lake of burning sulfur – there to suffer torment forever. (Revelation, Chapters 19 and 20) 

The last judgement will follow Satan’s defeat.  Those who did not accept God’s free gift of salvation will be condemned to eternal punishment along with the Devil and his henchmen. (Revelation, Chapter 20) Those who are saved will be judged in order to receive rewards for their service to the Lord (Romans 8:1, Revelation 22:12, Psalm 62:12, 1Cornthians 4:5), and they will spend eternity sharing God’s glory with Him. 

In the First Advent, God the Son came to live among us as a man, Jesus Christ.  In the Second Advent He will return and ultimately destroy evil forever.  We celebrate His birth at Christmas.  Are you able to celebrate and look forward to His return with confident expectation? 

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ today.  Receive the gift salvation He offers you.  It’s the best Christmas present you will ever get.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Food Police?

“Government exists to protect us from each other.
Where government has gone beyond its limits
is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”

“Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”

Ronald Reagan

President Elect Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.) to become the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).  RFK Jr. is probably most noted for his opposition to vaccinations.  One of his other areas of interest is what he believes to be unhealthy foods. 

Vaccination has been criticized because some believe it is linked to the increased incidence of various illnesses.  A lot of effort has been put into debunking those concerns, but many people are still not convinced about the safety of some kinds of immunizations, especially as it applies to infants and young children.  Time will tell.  We need more longitudinal research to establish whether there is a need for limiting vaccinations. 

I was in the first grade when the Salk polio vaccine became generally available.  I vividly remember my mother taking me over to the school to get immunized.  The syringe looked huge.  Hypodermic needles then were dull by today’s standards, and it hurt.  I couldn’t understand why my mom was so happy about it. 

I’m 76 years old now.  My hair all fell out when I was about 40, but I don’t think it was due to getting polio shots.  Otherwise, I’m doing okay. 

A governmental effort to make our diet healthier is not the thing that bothers me.  The focus of it, however, is troubling. 

The bad things that food manufacturers include in their products are there because they either make the food more convenient to use, appear more appetizing, or they make it taste better.  If food is attractive, fast and easy to prepare, and more flavorful, then it sells better. 

Like any other business, the food manufacturers want a reasonable return on investment for the money they spend making food available to us.  That does not necessarily make them bad people.  They are, however, cognizant of the fact that if they don’t offer a product people like, their competitors will.  They will lose market share and earn less money; or possibly even go out of business. 

Now, Ronald Reagan was correct.  Government regulation of the lives of private citizens should be limited to preventing them from harming others.  In short, Donald Trump is riding a wave of good will into the White House, but he will find that that tide will ebb quickly if he lets RFK Jr. tell the public what they can, or cannot eat and drink. 

Perhaps Trump promised Kennedy a role in his administration if he would withdraw his candidacy for President and throw his support behind the former President.  Who knows.  Like other Democrats, however, RFK Jr. thinks the people are not competent to decide for themselves, and that he knows more than everyone else.  He was raised in the political elite, and he is what he is. 

Consequently, President Elect Trump must set some boundaries.  RFK Jr. must be told that his job is to protect us from each other by taking reasonable measures to police the food manufacturers and importers – and not jerk the public around. 

Droning On and On

In the movie “Men in Black” Agent “K” (Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent “J” (Will Smith) deadpan the usual explanations given by the government for UFO sightings – swamp gas and weather ballons, etc.  The government’s explanation for drones flying over New Jersey, other states, and US military installations sounds suspiciously like its old explanation for UFO sightings. 

In a briefing before the House Intelligence Committee, representatives of the FBI, CIA, Defense Department, and Department of Homeland Security informed congress that there does not appear to be one single source for the drone flights, and there does not appear to be an ulterior motive involved.  They attributed the drone sightings to aircraft, hobbyists, and helicopters operating legally, and they denied any government involvement. [1] 

I am not a UFO nut.  I will believe in UFO’s when one lands, and the occupants introduce themselves to us.  I am not a conspiracy theorist, either.  It could be that the explanation given to congress is correct. 

However, there are apparent inconsistencies in the explanation.  The size and number of the drones are not consistent with what hobbyists can obtain or afford.  The drones dart sideways, backward, and they “go dark’ when approached.  I do not know of any fixed wing aircraft or helicopters operated by civilians or the military that are able to move that way.  That is why the government’s explanation about the drones is suspicious. 

The cavalier response by the Biden Administration and their fellow democrats at the state and local level is also concerning.  If as initially stated, governmental agencies did not know the source of the drone flights, why did they not respond immediately and in force?  It would seem that if they did not know the source, they couldn’t know whether they were a threat to public safety.  Is this a repeat of the Biden Administration’s lackadaisical response to the Chinese spy balloon?  Or, did they know the source, and is that why they didn’t think an immediate response was necessary? 

Most Americans are not conspiracy theorists, but they aren’t stupid either.  We know a smoke screen when we see one.