It would be difficult to imagine a presidential candidate
worse than Donald Trump. That said, to find that candidate is not difficult in
this most pitiful of all election years.
You only need to look to Hillary Clinton. We have before us, my friends, “The Duel”
(Eugene Field) between the gingham dog and the calico cat.
In my last post, I said that I oppose Sec. Clinton
because I believe everything she says and does would be bad for the
country. Allow me to restate that. I believe everything she has said and done,
and will say and do, will be bad for the country.
Please allow me to cite a few of many possible examples:
- While she was Secretary of State, Hillary and Bill Clinton accepted contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments, and other foreign interests. These contributions appear to me to have been bribes, given in exchange for favorable treatment by the U.S. State Department. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were also overpaid for speaking engagements, which appear to have been arranged as an easy way for them to make a lot of money in exchange for favorable treatment and influence. Sometimes these financial transactions were with foreign countries that have a history of human rights violations; particularly the mistreatment of homosexuals, women, and religious minorities. At other times, these transactions resulted in activities that were damaging to our national security. Sec. Clinton approved giving the Russians the ability to buy an interest in the production of U.S. uranium. Remember also that before he left office, Bill Clinton approved the sale of technology to China that resulted in a dramatic improvement in their offensive missile capability and their space program.
- To conceal her influence peddling, Mrs. Clinton used her own email account to do the nation’s business when she was Secretary of State. In doing so she failed to safeguard information vital to the national security.
- On his October 21, 2016 radio program, Sean Hannity reported that the Clinton’s tax returns for 2014 showed that only 5.2 percent of the money received by the Clinton Foundation actually went to grants that directly benefited people in need. The rest went to the “administration” of the foundation (Clinton operatives and gofers), and to the Clinton’s themselves.
- She has been shown to be a liar over and over and over again. How can our people have faith in a government that does not trust them with the truth? How can we pass through a crisis that threatens the existence of our nation if we do not know if we are being told the truth?
- Hillary abandoned Americans who were under attack in Libya. Then she tried to hide the nature and extent of the attack from the American people (she lied and caused others to lie). With the 2012 election two months’ away, could it be that she thought it would hurt President Obama’s chances for reelection? “At this point what does it matter?” The point is that she left Americans to die in the desert while she dithered about what outfit their rescuers should wear to the occasion.
- Sec. Clinton is an advocate for abortion on demand, including partial-birth abortion. Lamp in a Corner has shown previously that there are biological reasons to believe that human life begins before live birth. Should she be elected President, Hillary would appoint to the Supreme Court Justices who would support the Roe vs Wade decision. She would support public funding of abortion procedures and providers (making us all complicit in her murders).
- Mrs. Clinton would continue to cut defense funding to pay for social programs. She says she will support the military, but she is a pathological liar, remember? During Bill Clinton’s presidency, the size of our active duty military was cut roughly in half. Consequently, we did not have adequate forces and material to maintain our world-wide defense commitments while waging the War on Terror on multiple fronts. With the complicity of Congress, President Obama has gutted the military, and Hillary gave her approval; despite what she may say in public. The Clintons and President Obama think that having a strong military makes it too easy to choose war rather than diplomacy. Lamp in a Corner believes that the lack of a strong military puts the United States at a disadvantage when attempting to use diplomacy to deal with the likes of Iran, China, and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
- Hillary supports open borders, a common market style unification of the nations of the Western Hemisphere, and increasing the number of refugees that are being allowed to enter the country without any sort of screening. This will further erode our manufacturing base, destroy American jobs, make us more vulnerable to terrorism, and expand the influence of peasant cultural norms in our country.
- There are any number of crimes that Hillary Clinton might be indicted for, including but not limited to: Fraud, Conspiracy, Materially Aiding the Enemies of the United States, Bribery, Failure to Secure Classified Material, Lying to Congress, Perjury Under Oath, Influence Peddling, and Malfeasance. She stated publicly, with a smirk on her face, that she would never be indicted, and she wasn’t. Former President Clinton and President Obama saw to that. She is guilty as sin, and she ought to go to prison … not the White House.
- Sec. Clinton has said that some people might not feel welcome in Donald Trump’s America. I assure you that she will make things very uncomfortable for those who disagree with her in her America. If you are a conservative, you may be barred from employment for opposing gay marriage. You stand an extremely good chance of having your right to keep and bear arms impinged upon in draconian ways. If you want to peacefully assemble to distribute literature near an abortion clinic, or to attend a conference held by a firearms group, or to pray in a public place, forgetaboutit. If your pastor refuses to marry a gay couple, if your doctor refuses to perform an abortion, if your church school refuses employment to an unbelieving teacher, then the government will put you out of business. You cannot depend on a “free press” to defend your freedoms. She has the press in the hip pocket of her pants suit.
- Mrs. Clinton says she is a Methodist (plug your ears John Wesley), but make no mistake about it … she is a secular humanist first. She sees religion as an impediment to social progress, and she wants religious people to practice their faith in private where they will not bother anybody. She is willing to let atheists like Mikey Weinstein influence public policy, and she is willing to impose her values on the rest of us, but she does not want religious people to be able to freely advocate for their values in the marketplace of ideas. She believes that people of faith are bigots who practice hate speech.
- How will she do all this? It is quite possible that she will have a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. She will almost certainly have one or more appointments to the Supreme Court. She will destroy her enemies using the “politics of character assassination” that she is now using against Donald Trump. She will buy off whomever she can. Her bag of tricks is bottomless. People in Washington, D.C. are rightfully afraid to cross her.
So, now what? Get out and vote in a way that will prevent
Hillary Clinton from becoming President.
Tell your friends. Drive conservative
people to the polls. Write the editor of
your newspaper. Get a “Hillary for
Prison” T-shirt or bumper sticker. If
you have any money, give some to the candidates of your choice. Do any legal
thing you can. Do not break the law! That would be descending to Hillary’s level.
Finally, remember that there is
an Almighty God who is in control of everything. If things look bad, be encouraged that:
… in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
and are called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28 NIV)