Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Anti-Christian Persecution

Congressman James Michael (Mike) Johnson (R-LA) was elected Speaker Of the House by his peers on 25 October 2023.  Beginning in 2016, he has been repeatedly elected to the US House of Representatives by the legally registered voters in the Fourth Congressional District (Louisiana) he represents.  One would hope that the results of these elections might be respected; at least until Congressman Johnson has had the opportunity to demonstrate his intent by his actions as Speaker.  That has not been the case. 

In his acceptance speech Speaker Johnson was open and honest about his Christian faith.  He also pointed out that the Holy Bible says that those who govern are in positions of leadership because God causes (or allows) them to be. (Romans 13:1-7, 1Peter 2:14-17)  He was not suggesting some sort of Christian theocracy.  He did not exclude those in positions of governmental authority who follow other religious traditions.  He was just being honest about his belief that our leaders need to work together in good faith to get the people’s business done; because that is what God put them there to do. 

Almost immediately, the liberals in the media, the liberal thinktanks, and in politics went on the attack.  There was an opening to throw a punch, and they threw it.  There is a lot of anti-Christian bias in secular society, and the liberals could not resist an opportunity to tap into it. 

There are other things about Speaker Johnson’s legal career and history of public service as a legislator that could have been the focus or their objections.  Instead, they chose to focus on his Christianity. 

For instance, he has only served in Congress for about six years, and he has less experience than other recent speakers. [1] As a lawyer, he represented groups that were against abortion and same-sex marriage. [2]  He has opposed continued funding for Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression.  He supports Donald Trump, and he helped to contest the results of the 2020 presidential election. [3] 

While his public life is consistent his Christian worldview, it is also consistent with the views of the more conservative wing of the Republican party.  Why has the primary focus been on his Christianity and not on his conservatism? 

The Speaker’s belief in Creationism has been a particular source of ridicule and derision.  Hey, secular world!  Lots of people believe that creation cannot be explained without a Creator.  We do not think that Creationism has been debunked by Evolutionary Theory or the so-called “Big Bang Theory.”  The operative word there is theory - which is an unproved speculation about reality.  In fact, Creationists are often informed people who simply believe in a different explanation of how we got here [4], and they should not be the subject of ridicule. 

We do not hear the religious beliefs of Independents like Tulsi Gabbard (Gudiya Vishnu Hindu) , or Republicans like Nikki Haley (Methodist from a Sikh background) and Vivek Ramaswami (Monotheistic Hindu) called into question with regard to their possible influence on policy making. 

The religious beliefs of Democrats Ilhan Omar (Muslim) and Rashida Talib (Muslim) have come under scrutiny, due to their support of the Palestinians and opposition to the Israelis.  Rather than their religion, however, the focus of most of the criticism has been on their opposition to much of American domestic and foreign policy, their alignment with Wokeism, and their membership in a group of left-wing Congressional Representatives called “The Squad.” 

The dust up over Speaker Johnson’s Christian beliefs begs the question, “Can a Christian who is candid about their faith hold a high office in today’s United States of America?”  Government officials, businesspeople, and ordinary citizens who take a stand for their Savior are called homophobes, racists, Islamophobes, haters, and fascists.  They are likened to the Ku Klux Klan and the theocratic rulers in Iran.  Christian politicians who support parents that object to the Wokeist indoctrination of their children in the schools about critical race theory and gender transition are accused of supporting “domestic terrorism.” 

The answer to the question is that the persecution of American Christians is not imminent.  It is already happening.  Be ready brothers and sisters in Christ.  Be ready. 



[2] Ibid.

[4] See: the documentaries: Unlocking the Mystery of Life, The Privileged Planet, and Darwin’s Dilemma offered as a DVD collection by Ilustra Media.

Monday, October 30, 2023

It Figures

It is always the same.  Terrorists savagely attack Israel, and then they use civilian populations as human shields.  The Israelis counterattack, trying to defend themselves.  Then the world takes the side of the terrorists, condemning Israel for war crimes resulting in the death and injury of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure.  The truth is that the fault for the death and destruction presently happening in Gaza rests on Hamas, not on Israel. If they hadn’t started nothin’, there wouldn’t be nothin’. (Sic.) 

The world is calling for de-escalation and a ceasefire, thus denying Israel the right to defend itself.  It figures. It happens over and over, every time. 

When Israel continues to pursue its attackers, the United Nations (UN) steps in. [1] [2] Sooner or later, the UN usually passes resolutions condemning Israel, and demanding an end to the fighting.  Nations and private individuals boycott trade with Israel.  Investors divest themselves of their investments in Israel.  Some nations, like Iran, threaten to join in attacking Israel. 

Eventually, when they are on the cusp of victory, the Unites States (US) pressures Israel into breaking off their counterattack and withdrawing from “occupied” areas.  The result is that the underlying conditions that are perpetuating the ongoing, sporadic warfare never get resolved, and the cycle repeats itself. 

The world buys the lie that Israel is a colonial, occupying power, and is, therefore, responsible for the conflict.  The world buys the lie that the brutal Islamist terrorist attacks are justified by Israeli “oppression.”  In fact, the lawless acts of the terrorists are so vile that nothing – nothing – provides sufficient grounds to justify them. 

The US pressures Israel to bring an end to hostilities and withdraw its troops from all “occupied” territories, however, when we were attacked by terrorists we invaded and conquered two countries.  Then, it took 20 years for us to leave.  Seems a little hypocritical, doesn’t it. 

The Bible says that wrongdoing is sin. (1John 5:17)  Those who continue in sin are of the devil. (1John 3:8)  That is they are serving Satan.  The people of the world buy the devil’s lies because Satan was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, and they delude themselves into believing lies because they belong to the devil.  They will not hear the truth because they refuse to listen to the truth.  (John 8:42-47) 

Hear the truth. The latest iteration of this ongoing conflict, beginning on 7 October 2023, was not initiated by Israel.  Hamas began the current fighting.  They murdered families in their beds.  They burned people alive.  They kidnapped over 200 civilians, and they are still holding them hostage.  They raped women publicly, and they disfigured the dead.  They murdered the elderly.  They murdered babies and cut off their heads.  They laughed and celebrated while they were doing it.  They sent “selfies” to their families as if to say, “Look Ma! I killed a Jew.”  This is what people do when they are doing Satan’s bidding. 

If Israel is pressured into a premature ceasefire, it will happen again.  Maybe it will be worse.  This time Israel must be allowed to finish the job of eliminating Hamas; and perhaps Hezbollah, too … in their own way and in their own time.  The US must provide enough support to Israel to ensure their complete and total victory. 

Fellow Americans, when Israel fights Hamas and other Iranian proxies, they are doing our fighting for us.  If they are not allowed to get the job done, the terrorists will bring the fight to us.  It is only a matter of time. 

The Islamist terrorists are not just slaughtering people in Israel.  They are committing atrocities against “infidels” in Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, other African countries, and around the world.  Understand that, during the 20th and 21st centuries, Jewish and Christian communities that have existed in the Middle East for hundreds of years have been crushed, and the surviving inhabitants have been driven out.  The Middle East is almost completely Islamic. 

Data shows a spike in the apprehension of suspected terrorists attempting to enter the United States illegally.[3]  Most of the articles I read indicate that our greatest threat is from domestic terrorists.  That seems to be what our government would have us believe.  I would just like to remind readers that the worst terrorist attacks in US history were on 11 September 2001, and they were perpetrated by foreign terrorists.  If you think that what is happening in Israel can’t happen here, you are wrong.  Let’s hope you are not dead wrong.