Friday, May 13, 2016

Now is a Time for Prayer

COMMENT SUMMARY:  No comments received.

MY COMMENT:  As a veteran, the right to vote is very important to me.  I have voted in every presidential election, since I became old enough to vote.  For me, it would be dereliction of my duty as a citizen not to vote.

  • In 1972, I voted for George McGovern.  I was much more liberal when I was younger, but the vote was more a vote against Richard Nixon than it was a vote for McGovern.  I had a “gut” feeling that Nixon had no loyalty to the law, and was obsessed with power.  My gut proved to be correct. 

  • I voted for Gerald Ford in 1976.  He was a better man than people gave him credit for being, and it is my opinion that he saved the country in a time when we were in serious trouble.  That was a wholehearted vote, and I chose Ford gladly over Jimmy Carter.  Unfortunately, Carter won, and he proved to be a terrible President.

  • The first time I voted for Ronald Reagan, in 1980, I had doubts about his ability to govern.  However, I thought that almost anybody would be better than President Carter.  In 1984, I was able to choose Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale without hesitation.  President Reagan proved to be the man that the country needed at that time.

  • Choosing George H. W. Bush over Michael Dukakis in 1988 was both easy and difficult.  Mr. Dukakis was clearly not presidential material, but Mr. Bush was what used to be called a “Country Club Republican” or a “Rockefeller Republican.”  He was a card carrying member of the American political class, and any concern he had for the common man came from a sense of “nobles oblige” rather than a sense of a shared struggle.

  • I really preferred Ross Perot, in 1992, but I voted for George H. W. Bush.  I thought that President Bush was the better of two bad candidates, and that a vote for Mr. Perot was a vote for Bill Clinton.  At this point, I found myself in almost complete disagreement with the positions of liberal candidates, and President Bush was less liberal than “Slick Willie” Clinton.

  • In 1996, I voted for the hapless Bob Dole.  By this time, I believed President Clinton was a disgrace to the office and a menace to freedom of speech and thought.  I didn’t want to vote for Sen. Dole, but I blamed Ross Perot for President Clinton’s victory in 1992, and there was nobody else that had a glimmer of hope to defeat Mr. Clinton.  This was a true “hold your nose” vote.

  • I voted for George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004.  I was hoping for a revival of Ronald Reagan’s economic policy in 2000, but that did not materialize.  I thought President Bush was magnificent after 911, and remain convinced that the world would be different today if we had actually followed the “Bush Doctrine.”  As the Democrats swung further and further left, I found almost nothing I could support in what they advocated.  Al Gore and John Kerry were examples of the famous Reagan quote:

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; 

it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

  • Enter Barack Obama.  In 2008, I voted for John McCain with confidence and hope for the future.  In 2012, I knew Mitt Romney was not electable from the start.  Every working man and woman in America recognized Mitt Romney as the guy who signs the “pink slips.”  However, I voted for Gov. Romney anyway because President Obama’s policies are destroying the country.  The choice was clear … anybody but Obama.

Thanks for putting up with the foregoing.  I wrote it to show that too often the process of selecting a President has been one of choosing the better of two bad candidates.  Certainly, 2016 is not the first time that unworthy people have run for, and may be elected to the office of President.

Mrs. Clinton is a flawed candidate who should be easy to defeat.  A relic from the 1960’s, Bernie Sanders, is giving her all she can handle in the Democratic primaries.  Nevertheless, the Republican’s seem determined to lose.  Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President because: She has abandoned Americans under attack in Libya, and she did it for political convenience.  She has used public office to enrich herself and her husband, rather than serve the people.  She has neglected to safeguard classified information.  She abandoned Israel and paved the way for the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.  And, these are only a few of her more recent “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

I fear that she will be the next President if she is not indicted first; and I will be surprised if she is indicted at all.  Even if the FBI recommends it, I don’t think President Obama’s Justice Department will do it.  I speculate that they will have her back, using the excuse that they cannot, by policy, interfere with a presidential election.

Donald Trump’s candidacy reminds me of Germany in the 1930’s.  Defeated abroad and caught in an economic collapse at home, the German people chose a “strong man” to lead them.  Adolph Hitler was very popular prior to World War II because he restored German prestige abroad and brought economic prosperity at home.  However, he plunged the world into an apocalyptic war that killed multiple millions of people.

Mr. Trump speaks of nuclear weapons the way teenage boys talk about large fireworks.  He is vindictive, lashing out at anyone who opposes him.  He holds women in contempt, and treats them like property.  He has no core values, and changes his positions on a whim.  His personal life has been fraught with broken marriages and extramarital affairs:

Trump has said of his early dating life that he felt "like a great and very brave soldier" and "lucky" 
to have avoided the contraction of AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases, calling it his 
own "personal Vietnam". "If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly 
very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller",
 Trump wrote in his 1997 book The Art of the Comeback

I heard him say that he is a good Christian, and a Presbyterian.  However, actions speak louder than words.  To my mind there is only one thing worse than a Trump presidency, and that is if Hillary Clinton is elected.

In 2012, the Democrats won control of the Colorado legislature and the governor was also a Democrat.  Many of their campaigns received a lot of money from Michael Bloomberg.  The very first thing they did after taking office in 2013 was to pass a series of restrictive gun laws, which were signed immediately by Governor Hickenlooper.  At that time, I was a Colorado resident, and registered to vote as an Independent.  I sent the Governor an Email telling him that I had voted for both Democrats and Republicans in the past, but promising him that I would never ever, ever, ever vote for another Democrat again.

I am not a one issue voter.  I have, however, sworn several times in various capacities to uphold and defend the United States’ Constitution.  I think that President Obama has repeatedly acted in ways that show the contempt with which Democrats treat the Constitution.

I honestly can’t say how I will vote at this time.  I am trusting the Lord for guidance, and I suggest that my readers do the same.  Prayer is not the least we can do ... it is the most we can do.  Please join me in prayer to Almighty God that something miraculous will happen to change the course of the 2016 presidential election:

Our Father in heaven, your Name is Holy.
Please let your will be done for our country.
Forgive us, oh Lord, for we have wandered far away from you.
We have sinned as individuals and as a people.
We have rebelled against you and the way you want us to live.
We humble ourselves, we repent, and we ask that you heal our land.

Your Word tells us that no ruler reigns unless you cause it or allow it.
We pray that the next President will lead our nation according to your Word.
We ask that you give us peace of mind and heart,
knowing that the next President to hold office will do so as part of your plan for us.
Please give us someone who is worthy of the office.
Please work these things together for the good
of those who believe in you and are called according to your purpose.

In Jesus’ Name

NOTE: For a very interesting diversion please see:

for a list of various persons who have run for the office of President of the United States to date.