Saturday, May 21, 2016

Where are you going?

COMMENT SUMMARY:  No comments were received.

MY COMMENT:  Various persons have differing opinions about the worst, or most threatening, problem facing the country.  Recently, President Obama said that man-made climate change was the greatest threat to America’s security.  During a 2012 debate, Mitt Romney said that Russia posed the greatest threat to the American people.

We certainly have a lot of problems to choose from:

terrorist organizations
world financial crisis
proliferation of nuclear weapons
breakdown of the family
race relations
rogue nation states
climate change
illegal migration
courts that create new law
unconstitutional executive orders
military expansion by Russia and China

Forgive me if I left your favorite off the list.

Our opinion about the problem that poses the greatest threat to America depends largely upon one’s point of view.  Personally, I find President Obama’s view that man- made climate change is the greatest existential threat to human kind laughable.  I am sure he would find mine laughable as well.

Regarding the temporal (earthly) problems facing America, I think that the national debt, and its impact on monetary policy, is our greatest threat.  The value of my money is declining, and the ability of poor and middle income Americans to buy the things we need is eroding.

It is true that the dollar is relatively strong against other currencies at present, but I think that is due to the weakness of other currencies, and to currency manipulation, rather than to the strength of the dollar.  If the dollar fails, chaos will result, in America and around the world, and with it a complete breakdown of the social order that binds societies together and enables them to function.

There is, however, a spiritual problem that supersedes the many temporal problems that threaten our country.  As a people, Americans are turning away from God, and rejecting the way God said for us to live.  We have become so deluded; we do not have the common sense to know which public restroom a person ought to use.  The President even wants to impose this evil on our school children!  Right is wrong and wrong is right!

Consequently, God has withdrawn His protection from us.  Our efforts abroad are frustrated by forces we should be able to wipe out in a few days.  At home, we are divided and quarreling on almost every issue.  Our prosperity is slipping away.  Families are broken, children are born out of wedlock, large numbers of people are addicted, and sexually transmitted diseases are running rampant.  The country has been invaded by 10 to15 million illegal migrants, and we lack the will to defend it.  The worst of it all is that Americans are living as though there is no eternal destination, and many will, tragically, not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Friend, don’t miss out on eternal bliss in the presence of God.  Repent of the sin of this world.  Believe in Jesus.  Trust that His sinless life has been substituted for yours in the judgement, that you have been washed clean by the blood He shed for you on the cross, and that you will be made a new creation with the Holy Spirit living in you and giving you the power to live like God’s child.  Kneel at the foot of the cross and ask Him to save you today.

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