The news has been full of things to talk about. So many, that choosing a topic for this post
has been a bit daunting. Where to
start? What is most important?
Iran is misbehaving, and our government seems to be
intent on paying the bill for it. The
Russians are on the move, and the Chinese are building bases in the South China
Sea. They both are hacking into our computers
with impunity. Bashar al-Assad is
killing his own people with poison gas, and President Obama’s “red line” is
meaningless. Hillary Clinton flaunts the
law, while Donald Trump continues to stumble over his own feet. Congress can’t even agree on a way to kill
We are still stuck with the outdated electoral college
system, which means that the big cities and coastal states get to pick the
president, no matter how the rest of the country feels. The national debt is about $20 trillion and
rising, and as a result everything the little guy needs to live on costs more;
while our money buys less. Sixty million
babies have been murdered in the United States since Roe Vs Wade, and there is
no end in sight. We have 11 million
people living in the country illegally, and nobody seems to be able to do
anything about it. Furthermore, you can
kiss your right to keep and bear arms goodbye when the Clintons move back into
the White House. Meanwhile, President
Obama is assuring us that things have never been better … playing the fiddle
while Rome burns.
I have limited the amount of news I watch on TV. I was getting depressed, grouchy, and cynical. I find out what is happening today, and then
I shut it off.
Jesus said that we would have trouble in this world (John
16:33), but that knowing we have been given favor from God that we are unable to earn is sufficient for those who believe (2Cor 12:9). He said that He would not leave us as orphans
(John 14:18), but that He would ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit to
comfort instruct, and lead us (John 14:15-26).
There is hope. Jesus
promised to come again, and to take us to the place he is preparing for those who
believe (John 14:1-4). The saved will
rise up at the rapture to be with Him in the air (1Thes 4:16-18), and those
left behind will suffer through a time of trouble the like of which has never
been seen (Rev Ch. 6-19, Matt 24:21-22).
Please believe and be saved. The
rapture is approaching. Even now, Russia
is expanding its influence in the Middle East.
After the rapture, their new “allies” will drag the Russians into a war against
Israel, and they will be defeated. It
will happen because there is a God in heaven who will cause it to happen (Eze
Ch. 37-39).
Some say that people have been waiting for 2,000
years, and Jesus has not come back. Therefore,
he is not coming now. The Bible says
that he is waiting until all are saved who can be saved (2Pet 3:3-13).
Remember Abram?
God promised him many offspring (Gen 12:2-3; Gen 22:18-18), but Sarai
was barren. She gave her servant girl,
Hagar, to him so that she might have surrogate children (Gen 16). Then, Sarah bore Abraham his son, Isaac; the
child God had promised. Abraham’s household
was divided, and he expelled the servant girl and her son (Gen 21).
If they had only waited, if they had only believed God’s
promises, what a different world we would have today. As it is, the children of Ishmael continue in
the pattern of their ancestor. They are
stubborn, contentious, and they set themselves against all their fellow men
(Gen 16:11-12). So then, now the times
are filled with violence, just as Jesus predicted they would be at the time of
His coming (Matt 24:36-44, Gen 6:13).
Folks, be patient.
God will keep every one of His promises. The events of our time make it as plain as
the nose on your face that the rapture is close at hand. But, if the Lord tarries for the sake of the
unsaved, remember also that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Please believe and be saved, now. Tomorrow may be too late.
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