Saturday, September 9, 2017

Open Email to Amazon


It has come to my attention that your customer charity giving vehicle will no longer be sending donations to the Family Research Council (FRC).  The information I have is that you took the FRC off your giving list because the radical, left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) listed the FRC as a hate group (homophobic).

The FRC is a highly respected organization, with a Christian world view.  It was begun by well-known Christian leaders like Dr. D. James Kennedy and Dr. James Dobson to serve as an advocate for Christian values, particularly in Washington D.C.  It is an error to classify the FRC as a hate group because they speak out against homosexuality and same-sex marriage.  The issue that true followers of Jesus Christ have with the LGBT community is with the behavior, not the person.  The teachings of Jesus are clear.  We are to love others as we love ourselves.

True Christians regard the Holy Bible as the Word of God.  It is the guide for faith and practice that trumps (no pun) all others.  The Word of God teaches us that God proscribed our use of the gift of sex to sex within marriage, and that from the beginning He created man and woman to be partners in life and marriage.  God's word strongly condemns homosexual behavior in both the Old and New Testaments. 

Speaking against homosexuality, without advocating harm to anyone, is not "hate speech " as it has been defined by the courts.  Americans have been guaranteed the freedoms of speech and religion by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Therefore, I respectfully recommend that you do due diligence before you discontinue your customers' ability to give to charities of their choice.  Please reconsider and reinstate the FRC, and please make your decision known to your customers.

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