Thursday, December 21, 2017

Well done, Congress, now get to work!

Well done to the Republicans in the U.S. Congress for passing some very respectable tax cuts.  We all hope that the expected economic growth will provide enough revenue to meet current needs (balance the budget), and provide a revenue surplus that will reduce the national debt.

Please be reminded that Ronald Reagan combined tax cuts with eliminating the growth in spending for programs where spending was not mandated; except for defense spending.  I believe you must have cuts in both spending and taxes if you want the kind of economic turnaround that President Reagan achieved.

Now … you have about six months left to change the course of American history.  Get to work, and pass the rest of President Trump’s plan to “Make America Great Again!”  Republicans, if you do not stop your bickering and work together, you will lose what may be our last, best opportunity to save this country.  If you can’t show some significant progress by July, you can’t win in November.

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