Thursday, March 22, 2018

Grow Up

According to a report on the Fox News web site today (03/22/2018), the former Vice President, Joe Biden, made some remarks that were regrettable recently. "They asked me if I'd like to debate this gentleman, and I said, 'No.' I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him."

President Trump responded in a tweet, which was equally regrettable.  “Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe!”

Lamp in a Coroner urges both men to remember their position.  They are not just two guys who don’t like each other.  If former vice President Biden advocates violence against the President of the United States, he is breaking the law, and setting an example of lawlessness.  If the President responds in kind, he is contributing to the dialogue of violence that plagues this country.

With all due respect, sirs, you have a national audience.  You should be aware that unstable people may not understand the context in which your remarks are made.  They may construe the remarks as license to commit violence.

Enough already!  Rather than punishing law abiding citizens who own guns, our leaders should look first to themselves as progenitors of violence.  Grow up guys.  You are both over 70 years old.  Act like it.

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