Monday, April 2, 2018

Supporting President Trump

Donald J. Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.  “Duly elected” means that he holds the office of President legally following an election that was conducted according to the provisions of the United States’ Constitution.

President Trump’s opponents in both major parties should stop trying to remove him from office by “trumping up” phony charges about the 2016 campaign.  To date, after extensive investigation, no evidence has been presented which establishes that President Trump, or others acting on his behalf, had a quid pro quo arrangement that promised anything in return for Russian interference that may have benefited President Trump in the election.

Furthermore, the President’s unfortunate history of philandering was well known prior to the election, and he was elected anyway.  Therefore, it is dishonest to try to use law suits to entrap him into perjury with trick questions about his past extramarital affairs.  Don’t tell me the accusers have not been “encouraged” to pursue their cases.

So, let’s please move on and get the peoples’ business done.

I did not vote for President Trump.  I wrote in for Ted Cruz.  I felt that, as a Christian I could not vote for President Trump, due to his history of misogyny and lack of moral character.  I was also concerned that he would not stand his ground on issues like the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms or the right to life, if things got tough.

However, I support what he is doing to help Americans have safer and more prosperous lives.  I believe that, as a Christian, I owe allegiance and cooperation to governmental authorities as long as they do not tell me to violate God’s commandments, or make me complicit in such violation.  It does not cause me a conflict of conscience to support the President’s policies if I agree that they are good for the American people; even if he is a swine with women.  I am sure that liberals had to make similar choices regarding (former) President Bill Clinton.

To be honest, I am very pleased with what President Trump has done (as President), so far.  If an election were held tomorrow, I might vote for him.  I want the things he wants for the country.

The same cannot be said for our Senators and Congressmen.  I want a Republican voting majority in both houses of congress.  I will never vote for a Democrat; ever again.
However, in the Republican primary, I will not vote for the incumbent Republican candidate; if a choice is offered.  I am going to step down from the podium for a moment to say plainly that I have never seen such a sorry bunch of incompetents as the current crop of Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate.  I would only vote for them if they make it to the ballot in the 2018 general election.

When I was in the Army, they taught us: “If you can’t respect the man, respect the rank.”  I respect what President Trump has accomplished, and I respect his abilities.  I have enough sins in my own past to avoid passing judgement on the President.  However, he has not demonstrated the kind of moral character that earns my respect.  Please pray for the First Lady.  Melania Trump has shown a lot of class in the face of what must be overwhelming humiliation.  She is a better wife than her husband deserves.

Politically, I consider myself to be a Christian conservative.  Every American must make up their own mind whether to support President Trump; including my fellow Christians.  I am not setting myself up as a model for others, but I support President Trump because I agree with his vision for America.

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