Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Good Riddance

Today, President Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran Nuclear Agreement.  Thank you, Mr. President!  At the time the agreement was being considered for approval, I wrote my Senators begging them not to approve it.

Barack Obama, John Kerry, and the rest of the so called “progressives” believed it was inevitable that Iran and North Korea would develop nuclear weapons and their associated delivery systems.  They were not willing to use every option available to them to prevent it.  Their policy was to delay it as much as possible in the hope that the totalitarian governments in those countries would “evolve,” and forsake nuclear weapons of their own volition.  The mind boggles.  I can’t find words to describe this kind of thinking.  Stupid, cowardly, naïve, treasonous, greedy (for trade), and appeasing come to mind, but they seem inadequate somehow.

Although I completely agree with President Trump’s action, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

We should prepare ourselves for the possibility of Iranian retaliatory measures.  To name a few, they may cause the terrorists that they sponsor to attack American interests at home and abroad; civilian and government.  They already sponsor attacks on Israel, but the intensity of those attacks may increase.  The European Union, the Russians, and the Chinese will profit from the removal of American competition for the Iranian market, and our businesses will suffer loss.

I think it is worth it.  I think the United States should even take it a step further. We must make it unmistakably clear that we will stop Iran from developing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons by any necessary means and at any time we deem it to be necessary.

My fellow Americans, if Iran is allowed to proceed you may be certain that they will use, or threaten the use of, those weapons against the United States, Israel, other Middle Eastern nations, and possibly Western Europe.  You may be equally certain that they will use terrorist groups as a delivery system if they think they can accomplish their goals (without endangering themselves) by doing so.  This is a matter that directly affects our national safety and security; and our ability to conduct foreign policy freely.

I believe that if we make it crystal clear that we will use all means, including military force if necessary, to stop Iran’s expansionist ambitions, other countries will also impose sanctions.  It seems to be working with North Korea.  With some people, force is all they understand.  Like any common criminal, they interpret everything else as weakness, and they try to manipulate to take advantage every way they can.

Good riddance to the Iran Nuclear Agreement!  Forward with methods that get results!  Pray that God will provide a peaceful resolution.  Be on your guard.  Be ready to fight if we must.

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