Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Big Picture on the Caravans

Throughout history, most people have wanted to be left in peace in order that they could do their work, raise their children, worship, and enjoy a little rest from their labor.  Some have prospered, and others have not.

People have learned that it helps to organize socially and politically because their needs can be met more efficiently as a group.  Sometimes, this has worked for the benefit of the people, but often it has been a privileged few who have lived well off the labor of others.

History teaches us that it is necessary to be willing to defend what you have to keep others from taking it.  Poor people, driven by need, have tried to take what belonged to their more prosperous neighbors (the Russian Revolution).  Occasionally, conquest has taken place to advance religious or political belief systems.  However, the lust for wealth and power were part of that mix, as well (the Crusades, Byzantium’s fall to the Sultan Mehmed beginning the Ottoman Empire).  Stronger cultures, or the rich and powerful, have taken the land, freedom and possessions of those who were too weak, or unwilling, to defend what they had (the Axis powers in WWII).  Consequently, History has often been a story of conflict, bloodshed, slavery, rape, and tears.

Since World War II (WWII), the United States has been invaded by migrants who have entered and stayed here illegally.  We can argue about who is to blame, but the fact remains that there are somewhere between 11 million and 20 million persons residing illegally in the United States right now.  They come from all over: Asia, Mexico, Central America, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and South America.  Another inescapable fact, often ignored, is that if they are here illegally they are by definition outlaws who are taking what does not belong to them.

So far, our government has been unable and unwilling to do what is necessary to stop illegal migration.  Over the last 70 years, Americans have become inured to it.  Wrong begins to look like right.

The American love of fundamental fairness makes us reluctant to act in our own best interest. Our diverse, heterogeneous population is composed of people who do not always share the same culture, language, or economic condition.  Our freedoms of speech and press lend themselves to the development of opposing points of view.  We have trouble reaching a consensus about how best to solve our problems.  Our enemies try to exploit our divisions … to their peril.  In the long run, our openness and quarrelsomeness are our strength.

Today’s news reports that as many as five Caravans of foreign persons are organizing or moving toward the United States from Central America and Mexico.  The closest of these may be over 14,000 strong.  The news also reports that these caravans are supported by foreign governments, radical pro-immigration groups, and (of course) George Soros.  In addition to legitimate asylum seekers, there are gang members, drug smugglers, and terrorists.  The latest reports say that many are armed.

Lamp in a Corner has always supported legal immigration.  We support granting asylum to people who are truly in danger from political or religious persecution in their native country.  During WWII, the USA refused to admit European Jews who were fleeing Nazi persecution.  We must not make that mistake again.  We should admit those refugees who we are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt are not terrorists.  All who are admitted must be willing to swear allegiance to the United States and avow that they want to become loyal citizens.

I used to think that a border wall was an unnecessary expense.  Now I see why the wall is necessary. The caravans are an attempt by our enemies to manipulate the unfortunate people who have become the victims of poverty and social unrest in their own countries.  Our enemies want to defeat our attempts to regain control of our borders by overwhelming them.  The caravans demonstrate how badly things have gotten out of control.

Make no mistake, the leading caravan is only the first.  The United States is being invaded, and we must turn back the caravans as humanely as possible.  However, they must be turned back.  The whole world will be watching.  Our critics will be finding fault with anything we do in our own defense.  Our enemies will see it as a test of our resolve to defend ourselves.

I urge congress to meet in an emergency session to close the loopholes in the law so that those entering the country on the pretext of asylum may be turned back without due process.  Due process should be reserved for those who apply for asylum legally.

I urge President Trump to:

1.    Be careful that he does not give his opponents grounds to file charges of impeachment.

2.    With or without the consent of the Mexican government, the President must send combat branch troops to Mexico under the War Powers Act to contain and drive back the caravans before they cross the border.  If force is needed, nonlethal force should be used.  However, our commanders on the ground should have the authority to order our troops return fire if fired upon.

In a week, Americans will be voting in a national election.  I urge you to vote only for those candidates who will defend the country from this kind of invasion.  This is important.  We must show our enemies that they can’t take what is ours.

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