Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Middle Class Joe"

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has begun billing himself as “Middle Class Joe.”  As usual, the facts do not support what the Democrats say.

The “Celebrity Net Worth” website reports presidential candidate Joe Biden’s net worth to be about $9 million.(1)  Some observers think that may be a conservative estimate. (2)  Be that as it may, the median household income in the Unites States was estimated to be $61,372, in 2017.(3)  Joe Biden’s household income for 2017 was $11 million.(4)

Note:  Median income is the amount which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount. Mean income (average) is the amount obtained by dividing the total aggregate income of a group by the number of units in that group…

— US Census Bureau, Frequently Asked Question, published by First Gov.(5)

Joe Biden is a career politician who has enriched himself through public service.  He is the embodiment of what so many people voted against in 2016.  He has again shown himself to be out of touch with real Americans and the economic challenges they face every day.

America experienced stagnant wages, and the country lost jobs to foreign competitors, during the Obama years.  “Middle Class Joe” is offering our people nothing but a continuing saga of the same lies and economic hardships.  “Lamp in a Corner” calls on the former Vice President to withdraw from the 2020 presidential race immediately for the good of the country.

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