Friday, August 16, 2019

Israel's Courage - Banning Reps. Omar and Talib

Recently, Israel banned U.S. Congressional Representatives Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar from visiting the country.  This week on a cable news station, we heard Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, say something to the effect that it was because Reps. Talib and Omar have promoted things like boycotting Israeli exports and withdrawing investments in Israeli concerns, (paraphrased).

In an article in the August 16, 2019 online edition of, The Jerusalem Post, titled “Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar outmaneuver Israel – analysis,” Herb Keinon argues that these representatives put Israel in a “lose-lose” situation.  He states that if Israel agrees to allow the congresswomen to visit, “… they will use every opportunity … to bash the Jewish state.” However, “… if Israel doesn’t let them in … it will make Israel look undemocratic, and will give a full arsenal of ammunition to those who want to paint it as such.”

Mr. Keinon points out that there was little press coverage of a recent bipartisan visit to Israel by 72 U.S. Congressional representatives.  However, he anticipates the press will create controversy about the denial of Talib and Omar.

We think that Mr. Keinon’s assessment is correct.  However, we urge that those who read this post will reserve unto themselves the freedom to form their own opinions and refuse to allow themselves to be manipulated by people like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib.  We urge readers to use discernment when the biased, anti-Israel press plays into the hands of these two antisemitic, Muslim congresswomen.

Mr. Keinon’s article implied that President Trump may have influenced Israel to ban Talib and Omar as part of an effort on his part to paint them as poster children for the new, socialist Democratic Party.  He reminds that Israel is in President Trump’s debt for the extraordinary support he has given.  True.  We would point out, however, that Israel has demonstrated repeatedly that they will act independently if they believe it to be necessary.  The economic boycotts and “disinvestment” campaigns being waged against Israel, particularly in Europe, have had a negative effect on Israel’s economy.  We remind that Israel is in a life-and-death struggle with imminent, daily threats to its existence as a nation.

Israel is a sovereign nation.  It has the right to take action to defend itself from disruptive persons who oppose its existence.  Reps. Talib and Omar have repeatedly taken political positions and made public statements which confirm their hatred of Israel and the Jewish people.

We applaud Israel for banning Reps. Talib and Omar.  We wish our own government would show the same courage when regulating who is allowed into the USA.

Post Script:

We just learned that Rep. Talib was subsequently granted permission to enter Israel when she appealed to enter on humanitarian grounds - to visit her aged grandmother. In her letter, on Congressional letterhead, she said she would abide by any conditions specified by Israel.  However, when Israel later asked her to sign a list of written conditions regarding her behavior in Israel during the visit, she declined and cancelled her plans to go. Rep. Talib is reported to have objected to the conditions, which she found to be typical of what she feels is oppressive and discriminatory treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government.

An Israeli official involved in granting Talib permission to enter Israel is reported to have expressed the belief that this incident was premeditated and calculated to embarrass Israel.

We believe that it goes to show that there is just no dealing with radical extremists like Rep. Talib.  You give them a break, and they cut your throat.

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