Friday, December 20, 2019


On Wednesday, December 18, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach the President of the United States.  I have waited to post until now, because I was too angry to write about it with any kind of objectivity.

Today, my heart is heavy with grief.  I have been clear that I support most of President Trump’s policies, but that I do not support him unquestioningly; blindly.  I have been clear that I oppose almost everything Bill and Hillary Clinton stand for.  However, when Articles of Impeachment are brought against a president, they involve more than just a man.  The balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the U.S. Government, provided by the constitution, is put to the test.  Consequently, no president should be impeached except for misdeeds that pose a serious threat to the very existence of the nation or grievous moral turpitude, (i.e. giving aid and comfort to an enemy in time of war or sexually assaulting a child).

Most human behavior has multiple motives.  The impeachments of William J. Clinton and Donald Trump are no exception.  It seems to me to be clear that the reasons President Clinton was impeached included more than just Perjury, and that the charges against President Trump (Abuse of Power and Obstructing Congress) are baseless.  Therefore, it logically follows that, in my lifetime, two presidents have been impeached for reasons other than the stated charges.

Without delving into the politics of WHY Presidents Clinton and Trump were impeached, let me just say that it is the source of the sadness I feel for my country.  It sickens me to see our constitution abused to achieve political ends.  If this continues, what will become of the nation?

For the past several decades, opinion polls have revealed that the American people are tired of the partisan political infighting in our government, and that we want our elected representatives to work together for the benefit of our people and our nation.  Instead, what we get is more of the same, more of the same, and more of the same.

Consider with me some of the challenges we face, while Washington politicians try to tear the country apart.

1.    North Korea has nuclear weapons and a mid-range delivery system.

2.    We have a trade deficit with most of our international trading partners.

3.    People are persecuted, here and around the world, for their political and religious beliefs.

4.    China, India, and others are dumping millions of tons of pollution into the atmosphere, while the world singles out the United States demanding that we unilaterally adopt standards that would ruin our economy.

5.    It is reported that the world’s oceans contain large “islands” of floating plastic debris, one of which may be as large as the state of Texas.

6.    Iran is poised to become a nuclear power as soon as the Iran Nuclear Agreement expires, while they remain determined to destroy Israel, the United States, and to subject the world to an Islamic theocracy.

7.    The United States does not have a coherent immigration policy to stop illegal immigration and establish a fair system for legal immigration.

8.    Our military is not strong enough to fight two “regional” wars at the same time.

9.    China continues to extend military power in the South China Sea, with the potential to disrupt vital shipping lanes.

10. In the foreseeable future, China is projected to have a larger navy than the United States.

11. With the discovery of mineral and energy resources there, Russia, China, Japan, the European Union, and the United States are all pursuing programs aimed at colonizing the moon.  History shows that colonization in Africa, Asia, North America and South America led to armed conflict.  What systems are being put in place to prevent armed conflict over the colonization of the moon?

12. Presidents are using executive orders to over-regulate, or radically deregulate, at will, and it is putting the United States on an economic teeter-totter.

13. Treaty agreements can override the constitution and our laws, placing our constitutional rights at risk.  If one party controls the presidency and the U.S. Senate, treaties may be used to place the governance of our people in the hands of the United Nations or our trading partners.  Examples include: the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN Arms Trade Treaty, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

14. We must improve relations with the Russian Republic, while continuing to support the right of the nations in the Baltic region, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East to self-determination and governance.

15. It should be treasonable offence for American companies to agree to share technological information in exchange for permission to conduct business in China, or any other country, that is used to increase their military capability.

16. It is imperative that we harden our electrical grid and computer systems to withstand an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

17. The damage caused to our health care system by Obama Care must be corrected.

18. Reforming tort law would reduce the cost of goods and services across the board.

19. Without giving up our constitutional rights, and without sacrificing  who we are as a moral society, we must counter and defeat terrorism.

20. The purchasing power of the average citizen’s money is being destroyed by the debt created from deficit government spending.  The national debt now exceeds TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS.

21. And, so on.

In light of the problems we face, it is a disgrace that our elected representatives waste time on endless investigations and attempts to remove a legally elected president from office.  In November 2020, the American voter must remember what this Congress has failed to do for us.  Reelect Donald Trump.  Elect members of congress who vow to support him.  It is up to us to use our votes to show the politicians that we won’t give up or go away.

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