Wednesday, February 12, 2020


On Wednesday, 5 February 2020, the United States Senate acquitted President Donald Trump on the articles of impeachment brought against him by the House of Representatives.  The two articles were Obstructing Congress and Abuse of Power.

Although the outcome was evident to many observers before it occurred, anything can happen in congress, and I am thankful for the verdict in the president’s favor.  God answers prayer.

The impeachment by President Trump’s enemies in the Democratic Party, and among the “establishment” Republicans, was nothing less than an attempted bloodless coup d’etat.  People who didn’t like the results of the 2016 presidential election tried their best to undo it.  Their impeachment efforts were an abuse of the powers given congress by the U.S. Constitution, and their failure was a vindication of the constitution and the wisdom of the founding fathers.

One would hope we have seen the end of this nonsense.  I believe, however, that the hidden agenda of President Trump’s opponents is to resist him at every turn, by any and all legal, (and some illegal), means.  If investigations and impeachments can delay or thwart the president’s accomplishment of his goals for the country, then they will never stop.  They cannot let him succeed, because his success is a repudiation of the Progressive, Socialist garbage they have been trying to force down our throats, since the beginning of the 20th century.

I sincerely believe that these folks are too stupid to know when they have been beaten.  So, they are going to continue the madness as long as they can.  Our best hope is that the American voters will vote them out of office in November, and I pray that we will.

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