Monday, August 17, 2020

Who is Joe Biden?

The TV news commentators have been buzzing a lot about whether Joe Biden is a moderate, centrist liberal or a radical socialist.  His wife said he is a moderate, and that he always has been.  However, the company he is keeping lately gives us to believe that he now favors the hard left positions of people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.  In fact, some people suspect that he is an electable front man for the hard left, who will be manipulated by them if he becomes our president.

That whole discussion is sort of amusing because it misses the point.  Putting it plainly, Joe Biden is a career minded opportunist.  He is a survivor and a cunning political insider who has lasted for a long time in elected office because he knows which side his bread is buttered on.  He is a poster boy for the kind of corruption and rot that has been ruining our country since the end of World War II.  The “former Vice President” has used political power to continue himself in office and accumulate wealth for himself and his family.

A political chameleon, Mr. Biden has been able to sense the way the wind is blowing, and he goes with the flow.  That is why Barack Obama has taken so long to give his support.  An ideological purist, Mr. Obama has never fully trusted Biden’s fealty to the progressive agenda.

Rightly so.  Joe Biden has no ideology, per se.  He thinks a lot of people want a big government nanny-state that can solve all our problems for us, (so we will not have to worry about them).  He thinks that people want the government to provide them with money and services from the cradle to the grave, so they will not have to meet the challenge of providing for themselves.  Mr. Biden sees giving these folks what they want as a way of keeping himself in a job.  Free bread and circuses for Rome.

However, no one can say how we will be able to pay for it.  Over the long-term, the middle class will gradually fade away.  Everyone will be equal … equally poor. (Winston Churchill)  The opportunity for upward mobility will cease.  America will become a bankrupt failed state.

The power brokers behind the scenes selected Kamala Harris to be Joe Biden’s running mate as a matter of pragmatic political expedience.  They think likable old Joe can carry the centrist vote, while Sen. Harris can bring along the hard left wing of the party.  Kamala Harris savaged Mr. Biden in the Democratic primary debates, and the word on her is that she is “hard to work with.”  However, like Joe Biden, she is also a self-serving political opportunist who is thought to be a person who will not break ranks when the pressure is on.  A degree of skepticism is justified on that point, but the bottom line is that Kamala Harris can be depended upon to do what she thinks is best for Kamala Harris.

Compare Kamala Harris’ mean-spirited ruthlessness with the genuine decency of Vice President Spence.  Who do you want to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

It is up to you.  President Trump may not be your ideal president, but do you want the kind of people the Democrats are offering to run things?  I don’t.  Vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence.  They may not always be right, but they are trying to serve the country and not themselves.

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