Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Right to Vote

One of the most inspiring things I have seen is the first fair and free election held in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was removed from power.  I remember the happiness on the faces of the Iraqi people I saw on television as they proudly displayed the ink on their fingers that proved they had voted.  They voted in spite of death threats from terrorists.

The right of all adult citizens to vote in honest elections is the foundation of representative government.  Without it, Democratic Republics like the United States and Parliamentary Democracies like the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and Israel would cease to be democracies.  In free countries the right to vote for candidates with different points of view, and to trust that all votes will be counted exactingly is sacred.

If we want freedom, we must encourage the exchange of ideas.  Without the freedom to express our thoughts and feelings about all things there can be no democracy.  People need to be free from the fear that they will be the victims of threats, intimidation, or force from people who disagree with them.

It is permissible to attempt to nonviolently persuade others to vote for your candidate or ballot initiative.  Candidates, political parties, political action groups, and individuals have the right to peacefully try to influence how other people vote.  It is the voters’ responsibility to inform themselves about candidates and issues, so that they will make the best choices they can from the available alternatives.

It is not permissible for foreign nations, and groups and individuals to try to influence election outcomes in other countries.  It is not tolerable for dissidents to create conditions that prevent eligible voters from voting.  The U.S. Constitution prohibits laws and rules that serve to prevent legal voters from voting.  We must use all legal means to resist any effort to influence the vote illegitimately and illegally.

Any attempt to manipulate the process, or to reverse the results, of a legal and just election is a threat to our freedom and to our form of government.  We cannot stop the enemies of freedom from trying, but we can do everything in our power to keep them from getting away with it.

Presently, there is a debate in the United States about the use of mail-in ballots.  It is complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Democrats favor mail-in ballots.  President Trump thinks that the Democrats will abuse mail-in ballots to allow their supporters to vote more than once and to allow voting by those who are not eligible.  Please be reminded that the Democrats have a history.  Examples include groups like ACORN who paid people to vote for Barack Obama multiple times.  Lyndon Johnson was first elected to congress by having supporters vote multiple times using names taken from headstones in cemeteries.

 The national Republican position favors voting in person at polling places upon presentation of picture identification.  Democrats oppose them on the grounds that it unfairly discriminates against the poor and minority groups that may not be able to produce the required identification.  They say that fees to obtain a picture ID are equivalent to an unconstitutional poll tax.  Republicans argue that presentation of a picture identification is the only way to be sure a potential voter has the right to vote.

 Each side has accused the other of attempting to influence the outcome of the election by unfairly manipulating the process.  If any of what they are saying is true, the effect of legitimate votes may be diminished.  What do you think?

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a senior citizen with chronic, underlying health problems.  Contracting COVID-19 could kill me.  I will, therefore, vote by mail if it is available.  However, Idaho is so solidly Republican that the state will vote to reelect President Trump no matter the mechanics of the election.  If I lived in an area where mail-in ballots might be used to produce a fraudulent election, however, I would gladly take the risk of voting in person.

Due to the disagreement over how to conduct the election, there is a high degree of risk that close election results may be disputed.  It could cause a significant delay in determining the winners at all levels of government.  However, where the selection of a President is concerned, it could cause a constitutional crisis.  The U.S. Constitution provides methods to resolve disputed elections, but it would be an ugly, divisive affair to say the least.  Further, most Americans are ignorant of the constitution, and they will depend on a biased, unreliable press to interpret the process for them.  It could mean that, in the end, the general public might not have faith in the legitimacy of the election results.   

Therefore, for the sake of the country we appeal to the U.S. Congress, and to the state governments, to resolve these issues before the election in November.  Otherwise, the only way to eliminate the risk of disputed elections at all levels will be a “landslide” victory for one party over the other.  Given the fact that public opinion appears to be evenly divided, an overwhelming victory for either side in the presidential election appears to be unlikely.

Please pray for the United States of America.  God is sovereign, and He can resolve any problem.

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