Sunday, February 14, 2021

Praise the Lord

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate acquitted former President Donald J. Trump.  The second attempt to impeach him failed, just as the first one did.  As I thought they would, all 50 of the Democratic Senators voted to convict.  They were joined by seven Republicans.  A “super majority” of 67 votes is required for conviction, and their combined 57 votes did not get the job done.  I had feared that more Republicans would vote to convict, and I am glad I was wrong.

A lot of people will be unhappy with the outcome.  As with the post immediately preceding this one, I urge everyone to accept the Senate’s verdict peacefully and move on.  Hopefully, we can put this divisive episode behind us.

I am not so naïve that I believe the opposing camps in our national government can reconcile and work together.  After the dust settles, I hope that they will at least try to find common ground where they can.

Personally, I know that God alone is sovereign, and He alone ordains the outcome of events like this one.  I trust that He will work all things together for the good of those who believe in Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)  All I can do is to thank Him for answered prayer; that lies do not prevail in the long run and justice will … if not in this world, then in His Kingdom.  Praise the Lord.

P.S.  Happy Valentines Day!



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