Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Involuntary Organ Harvesting in the People's Republic of China

If a free people want to keep their freedom, they must do what they can to keep themselves informed.  Not everyone in the United States does so.  A great many people are content to let somebody else handle things, while they play games and text their friends on their cell phones.

Our broadcast and cable news media give us short “segments” on the events of the day, which are “spun” to pander to, or manipulate, our point of view.  We hear about the things that a few corporations who own the media want us to know about.

Many of us, if we are interested at all, are content to get spoon-fed our news.  Some of us look to other sources of information.  We read online news websites, blogs, and social media.  Occasionally, we look to print media.  Some of the things we are exposed to are reliable.  Many are not.  Discernment is needed to separate the wheat from the chaff.  As Ronald Reagan once said, “Trust but verify.”

I was shocked recently when I came across an article in, The Epoch Times, which reported that the internal organs of living “prisoners of conscience” in Chinese prison camps were being harvested without the consent of the donor.[1] I have found The Epoch Times to be a good source of reliable information.  They are solidly opposed to the Chinese Communist Party, however, and many people are not familiar with the paper.  Therefore, I did a quick review of other articles on the internet dealing with the subject.

In brief, I found that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been accused of involuntarily removing the internal organs of prisoners in prison camps for use in organ transplants in China and for sale in China and internationally.  The PRC has admitted that this happened in the past, but they deny it is happening now.  Recent investigations, however, have found credible evidence that the practice is ongoing.  Profits from the sale of these vital organs have been as much as a billion dollars a year, and it has been going on for decades.

Many of the victims have died.  The primary prisoner groups victimized have been the Falun Gong and the Uighur Muslims.  There have been reports that members of Christian house churches and Tibetans have also been victims.

Some of the reports I am going to list allege that the “prisoners of conscience” must do forced labor.  It is reported that they are beaten and tortured.   

For more information, please refer to the following links: 









Write your senators and congressmen.  This is one outrage too many.  We must urge our government to phase out all trade, cultural exchanges, and all but the minimum diplomatic relations with the PRC, starting now.


[1] Corr, Anders. “Forced Organ Harvesting in China Is Medical Genocide for Profit.” The Epoch Times (Northwest Edition). 29 Sept.-5 Oct. 2021, p. A13.

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