Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Origin of the Universe

A couple of years ago, we got tired of the cable TV companies.  They raised their rates over and over, and what we were getting wasn’t worth what we were paying.  We agreed to start streaming our TV.  The “quality” of the programming is almost as good, and streaming has saved us a lot of money.

Our streaming service offers the tubi channel free of charge, and free is important to us concerning television.  I am very reluctant to endorse or recommend anything in Lamp in a Corner, especially regarding television entertainment.  There is too much objectionable content on television that might lead someone astray (myself included).  I watch television, but I try to be very selective about it.  In many cases you might as well pipe an open sewer into your home.

I ran across a documentary on tubi, however, that I would like to call to your attention.  It is called “The Privileged Planet.”  Lad Allen wrote, directed, and produced it, and the actor (narrator) is John Rhys-Davies.  The film is not a “religious” polemic.  Rather, it uses a scientific approach to demonstrate how observation of the universe shows evidence that it was created by intelligent design rather than by a random, unplanned combination of events. 

The program is very well made, and it is interestingly presented in terms that the average person can understand. Those scientists who are featured are credible, and it seems that they are sincere about the information they provide.  The dvd is available on Amazon. 

I am not prone to using empirical data to “prove” the Bible.  I believe that it is impossible to know God except by faith. (Hebrews 11:6)  We should not, however, ignore evidence from observation, experience, or research that supports what the Bible provides for us. 

Christians have long said that ‘You can’t explain creation without a creator.’  Although true, it is an argument that is often dismissed by those who are reluctant to consider the Christian point of view.  The Privileged Planet makes it more difficult to dismiss intelligent design.



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