Saturday, July 9, 2022

Grave Digging

We are a free people (so far).  We should be aware, however, that when we buy goods made in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), we are digging our own grave.  Each time we buy another item made in China; we dig our grave a little deeper. 

Presently, it is impossible to completely avoid buying Chinese goods.  We may not have much choice if we are buying a new computer or pharmaceuticals, for example, as some types of goods may not be available if they are not made in China.  Please be aware, however, that we cannot depend on the Biden administration to fix the problem by “decoupling” us from trade with China.  Indications are that they have and will continue to surreptitiously engage in economic and political cooperation with the Communist Chinese.[1] 

The country of origin is not always clearly indicated on the goods we buy in stores.  Online merchants often do not provide readily available information about where an item that they are selling was made.  It is, however, incumbent upon each of us to do our research, and to make a good faith effort to find out. 

Nobody said doing the right thing would be easy.  It takes work.  Unfortunately, we cannot rely on our government to do its constitutional duty to protect us.  Further, retailers are compelled for business reasons to sell what the public demands - high quality goods at the lowest price the market allows.  That often means selling goods made in China - because that is what people buy. 

When we buy Chinese products, we are contributing part of the purchase price to the Chinese Communist government.  The PRC is a totalitarian state that oppresses its people and puts its political opponents, racial minorities, and religious devotees into concentration camps.  There they are pressed into forced labor, beaten, starved, and sometimes killed.  The PRC is aggressive.  It has attacked its neighbors, annexed Tibet and Hong Cong, and is threatening Taiwan.  They have occupied the South China Sea against international conventions that govern claims to territorial waters, and they have built military bases there.  They are in the process of militarizing outer space.  The money for all this comes, in part, from their trade with the United States.  We should not continue enable them. 

We can change it.  Vote with your wallet.  Demand goods made in the USA, or at least not made in China, by spending your money on “other than” Chinese goods.  Vote honest people into public office who will look after the interests of Americans as their first priority. 

We owe it to ourselves and to posterity to completely disengage from the PRC as soon as possible.  If we do not, China will reduce the United States to a second-rate world economic and military power.



[1] Moore, Art. (2022, July 7). Biden sending oil from strategic reserves to China. WND.


WND Staff. (2022, July 8). Hunter Biden tied to Chinese company that bought oil Joe released. WND.



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