Sunday, November 6, 2022

A Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Oh Lord and Heavenly Father,

we praise Your Holy Name.

Please forgive our sins and hear our prayer.


We ask you, Dear Lord,

to be with persecuted Christians around the world.

Please sustain them, Lord,

and give them the courage, strength and faith to endure the persecution

that comes upon them for their testimony about Jesus Christ.


We pray that when we are tested,

You will provide us with the resolve and perseverance

to endure it as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world

are enduring persecution for Your Name’s sake.


We pray that the example set by persecuted Christians

will be a witness that is used by the Holy Spirit

to call many to be saved.


Dear Heavenly Father,

please forgive those who are persecuting Christians.

They do not understand that what they are doing is an offense to You.

Please help the persecutors learn that You do not want them try to serve You

by harming others - mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Please bring them to a saving faith in You, Lord Jesus.

These things we ask in Jesus’ Name,




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