Friday, November 4, 2022

Issues for the 2022 Midterm Election - U-turns and Rocks

According to some opinion polls a majority of American voters believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.  On 21 August 2022, Julia Mueller reported in The Hill website that: 

“Nearly three-quarters of voters in a new poll said they believed things in the U.S. were headed in the wrong direction. An NBC News poll revealed just 21 percent of voters feel the nation is headed in the right direction, while 74 percent think the opposite.”[1]  

However, the polls also indicate that there is a fairly even split between voters who intend to vote for Democratic or Republican candidates.  On the CNN website, 13 October 2022, Jennifer Agista wrote: 

“Despite more than two-thirds of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction, ​Democrats have surged into the lead on the generic congressional ballot and President Biden’s approval rating has ticked upward as the party makes gains among independent voters and women following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, a new poll released on Thursday indicates. 

The Wall Street Journal survey shows that 47% of registered voters would support a Democratic candidate for Congress if the midterm elections were held today. Another 44% said they would support the Republican candidate, while the remaining 9% said they were unsure of their choice or refused to answer. 

The same poll showed Republicans with 46% support among registered voters in March, while Democrats had 41% support and 13% of voters said they were unsure.

Among likely voters nationwide, the race is a tight split, with 50% backing the Democratic candidate and 47% behind the Republican. But in competitive congressional districts, Democratic support among likely voters dips and preferences tilt toward the Republicans: 48% of likely voters in that group prefer the Republican candidate, 43% the Democrat.”[2] 

It was reported on Fox News last night that there has been a shift toward favoring Republican candidates among White, suburban women – a demographic that voted for President Biden in the last national election.  The pundits believed that this shift might tip the scales in favor of Republican candidates. 

With a large number of voters still undecided, the results of the election seem to be impossible for the average person to predict.  Some commentators point to voter disapproval of President Biden’s performance in office as a possible predictor of a big Republican victory.

Our recent past has shown us that the results of close elections are prone to dispute.  The Democrats thought Al Gore defeated George W. Bush, and accused the Republicans and the courts of colluding to deny Vice President Gore the victory.  More recently, Donald Trump and others disputed the results of the last Presidential Election, accusing the Democrats of manipulating the vote.  The only way we can be sure that the results of multiple close elections across the United States are not disputed after the upcoming Midterms is for the results to be decisive in favor of one candidate or the other. Disputed elections are divisive and harmful to the country. 

It will not be enough for the Republicans to win a one or two seat majority in the US Senate and House of Representatives.  In order to be able to accomplish anything after taking office, they will need enough votes to pass legislation over President Biden’s veto.  This calls for everyone who wants a U-turn in the direction our government is taking us to get out and vote.  We need a “veto proof” majority to begin to correct the damage the Democrats have done, since 20 January 2021.

If the Republicans win any kind of majority in the House and Senate, they must learn to set aside their disagreements and work together.  Too many times in the past, the voters have given the Republicans a victory only to see them squander it.  If they blow it again they will torpedo any chance for a Republican to be elected president in 2024. 

I was not able to find out who said it first, but there is a saying that goes, “The man who falls over the same rock twice, deserves to break his neck.”  After the debacle the Democrats have created since 20 January 2021, I just cannot understand why anyone would vote for a Democrat, regardless of their political leanings.  Let us all hope and pray that our fellow citizens will not fall over that rock again.


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