Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Republican Soap Opera

The struggle we are witnessing in the House of Representatives, as the Republicans self-destruct over electing a new Speaker of the House, is a symptom of larger fight within the party. The old guard, “establishment” Republicans are trying to retain control of the party.  Although they are willing to allow people with differing views into the party, they refuse them any opportunity to achieve their goals. 

Typified by the members of the House Freedom Caucus, the views of the more conservative newcomers are often similar to the populist views of the Tea Party and President Donald Trump.  The Republican Party leadership has denied them campaign funds if they win Republican primaries, and they are kept from serving on important committees if they are elected. 

Is it any wonder, then, that a group of 20 relatively junior Representatives are playing power politics by opposing Kevin McCarthy’s bid to become the Speaker.  It is a pressure point that they can use to get the ability to influence the business of the House. 

The party leadership needs to understand that changes in the Republican base of support could result in one of two outcomes.  Either they will find a way to include this movement in the party in a meaningful way – or the party will split.  The creation of a third party will effectively deny conservatives of all kinds the ability to win elections. 

The Republicans should have resolved their differences off the floor of the House of Representatives before the voting ever started.  It does not inspire public confidence in the Republicans’ ability to govern when they air their dirty laundry in public.

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