Friday, March 31, 2023

Trump Indicted

Today, 30 March 2023, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg successfully convinced a Grand Jury that there was sufficient evidence to indict President Donald J. Trump on charges as yet undisclosed to the public.  Today, the United States of America became a banana republic. 

It is the position of “Lamp in a Corner” that American elections should be free, fair, and conducted according to law.  It is our position that our government should be elected by the people, and that the people should be able to vote for the candidate they choose, provided that person meets the requirements set forth in the U.S. Constitution. 

We oppose the manipulation of elections by persons in authority who seek to prevent candidates from running for office by any means, ethical or not, to further their political ends, and those of their party and financial backers.  We are ashamed that our country has come to this.  Whether you support President Trump or oppose him, let us all agree that this is not the way we do things in America. 

Please pray for the United States of America.

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