Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Three Cats

Years ago, I heard this joke in a Psychology class or read it in a textbook.  I can’t remember which.  It’s about three cats, and it goes something like this: 

An experiment was done using three cats; a German cat, a French cat, and an American cat.  Each cat was placed in an identical cage.  There was no food or water in the cages, but food and water was placed just outside the door of each cage.  Inside each cage was a lever.  If the cat hit the lever with its paw, the cage door would open so the cat could get to its food and water. 

The German cat sat quietly contemplating its cage until it figured out how to hit the lever and open the door.  The French cat complained long and loud until one of the scientists opened the door for it.  The American cat thrashed about madly until it hit the lever by accident. 

Let’s hope congress stops thrashing about madly and hits the lever soon to fix the border crisis, (ZERO illegal entries, drug smuggling, and sex trafficking), and to provide aid to Taiwan, Ukraine, Israel and other friends who are desperately fighting for their freedom.

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