Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It Still Figures

This quote appeared in Lamp in a Corner, in a post titled “It Figures,” on 30 October 2023: 

“The world is calling for de-escalation and a ceasefire, thus denying Israel the right to defend itself.  It figures. It happens over and over, every time.  

When Israel continues to pursue its attackers, the United Nations (UN) steps in.  Sooner or later, the UN usually passes resolutions condemning Israel, and demanding an end to the fighting.  Nations and private individuals boycott trade with Israel.  Investors divest themselves of their investments in Israel.  Some nations, like Iran, threaten to join in attacking Israel. 

Eventually, when they are on the cusp of victory, the Unites States (US) pressures Israel into breaking off their counterattack and withdrawing from “occupied” areas.  The result is that the underlying conditions that are perpetuating the ongoing, sporadic warfare never get resolved, and the cycle repeats itself.” 

It didn’t take a genius to look at Israel’s recent history and foresee that it would happen ... and it is. 

To date, Israel’s leaders are standing strong.  They are resisting terrific pressure from most of the world’s nations individually, from the United Nations, and from within Israel itself for a ceasefire in their war with Hamas.  Israel is correct to continue the hostilities until the ability of Hamas to conduct organized activities is destroyed.  We applaud Israel’s courage and hope they will continue to fight to defend themselves. 

As a loyal American citizen, I have been ashamed of the actions of Democrats like Sen. Chuck Schumer, President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who have called for the people of Israel to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and force their government to end the hostilities in Gaza.  It is an inexcusable interference in Israel’s internal affairs, and aid the United States is providing Israel for its defense does not justify doing it. 

Benjamin Netanyahu is a hero.  He is one of the greatest leaders in the world.  There have been many times when it has been clear that we Americans would have been better off if Mr. Netanyahu was President of the United States - rather than some of those we have had. 

We cannot say that the families of the hostages are to blame for advocating for their release.  It is impossible for someone who hasn’t gone through it to understand the horror of having a loved one held hostage by terrorists.  However, dear friends, think about why Hamas takes hostages in the first place.  They do it because they fully intend to use the hostages’ release as a lever to deter the consequences for atrocities like the barbarism they committed on 7 October 2023.  To capitulate to their demands for a ceasefire and unreasonable demands for an unequal exchange of hostages for terrorists imprisoned in Israel, will only encourage more hostage taking in the future. 

Israel, we urge you to continue the fight.  Find, fix, close with, and destroy Hamas.  Please, do not relent until you have victory – until you destroy Hamas’ will and ability to conduct further terrorist activities. 

Israel’s leaders, not all of the tactical considerations affecting your decision about when to begin subduing Rafah are available, and we are certain that your reasons for delaying are valid.  We ask only that you consider that the longer you wait to go into Rafah, the more opposition to it you will have to endure.

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