Friday, July 26, 2024


Speaking before the US House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, FBI Director Christopher Wray speculated that the wound to President Donald Trump’s ear, suffered in the 13 July attempt on his life, may not have been caused by a bullet, but rather by shrapnel. According to a report on The Hill website, “Wray said that ‘with respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, that hit his ear.” [1] 

This irresponsible speculation created unnecessary confusion about an event that should have been treated with the greatest gravity and seriousness.  It has been refuted by doctors, senators, congressmen, the news media, and finally (with some equivocation) by the FBI itself. [2] 

The FBI is one of the world’s leading law enforcement organizations.  Director Wray’s testimony begs the question, should not the leader of the FBI know better than to say something like that, and if he should have - then why did he do it? 

The ordinary citizen could conclude that Mr. Wray’s testimony might be politically motivated.  Was it an attempt to diminish the seriousness of the threat to Donald Trump’s life or the nature and extent of his injuries? * 

Certainly, for many it will further diminish the public’s confidence in the FBI and other federal agencies, which are widely believed to be “weaponized” by the Democrats in Washington D.C. against their political opponents.  In my own case, I am extremely weary of being lied to by my government. 


* Fact: An assassin's bullet narrowly missed Donald Trump's brain. Furthermore, there were no obstructions in the bullet's path that would cause fragmentation. Finally, injuries to the ear like the one President Trump sustained may result in unsightly and permanent disfigurement unless they are promptly corrected by surgery.

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