Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Will there be a Run on Guns?

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have a history of opposition to the exercise of our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  After President Biden’s election in 2020, Americans rushed to buy guns and ammunition for fear they might become unavailable.  The result was a shortage of guns, ammunition and many other items associated with shooting sports.  It got so bad that hunters had trouble finding the cartridges they needed to hunt with. 

Recent events have influenced many voters to look favorably on candidates for office who advocate for “reasonable” laws that they say will help curb gun violence.  There is little agreement, however, between anti-gunners and gun rights advocates regarding the meaning of “reasonable.” 

Presidential Candidate Harris has emphasized that she is a gun owner.  This does not mitigate her history of opposition to the private ownership of handguns and “assault weapons.”  In 2019, she repeatedly said that she supports mandatory gun buyback programs, which is a form of confiscation. [1] 

Candidate Harris will push for strict regulation of private gun ownership if she is elected in November.  Other tactics have been used by anti-gunners before.  To name a few, these include higher taxes on guns and shooting products, increased vulnerability to litigation for manufacturers and merchants, increased record keeping requirements and inspections for licensed retailers and gun shows, restrictive regulation of the import and export of firearms and ammunition, and restrictions on the type of ammunition that may be sold to private citizens.

The bottom line is that this has contributed to price increases that make participation in shooting sports prohibitively expensive for some Americans. It's like cigarettes.  If you don't want people to have them, make them so expensive they can't afford to buy them.

According to the economic law of demand, the more you sell of a product, the more you can charge for it.  The past is a good predictor of the future.  If past buying patterns continue, the sale of guns, ammunition, and all things shooting will increase dramatically if Kamala Harris is our next president.

Panic buying is counterproductive.  It creates a scarcity of firearms, ammunition, and everything from targets to cleaning supplies.  It drives prices up, making it difficult for average Americans to enjoy shooting sports and defend their homes and loved ones. 

Buy what you really need, but don’t hoard.  Prepare yourself for what may not be available in a few months, but don’t clear off everything on the shelf.  Leave some for others. 

To reiterate Lamp in a Corner’s long-held position, we support legislation that will not infringe upon the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and that will prohibit the possession and use of deadly weapons* to criminals and people who are dangerous to self or others.  Effective laws that would discourage the commission of violent crimes would provide for long mandatory sentences without parole for crimes in which deadly weapons were used, or use of a deadly weapon was threatened.  All such sentences must run consecutively, rather than concurrently. 

These are the “gun control” laws that will work, and they will not infringe on the constitutional right to gun ownership for honest US citizens.  Please vote for law-and-order candidates who understand that our laws exist to protect and defend law-abiding Americans and consequence criminal behavior.



* Examples of deadly weapons are edged weapons, bludgeons, firearms, bows, explosive devices, and poison.  They are any weapon capable of inflicting death, disfigurement, the loss or impairment of a limb or organ, disability, or serious risk of these injuries.  

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