Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Open Letter on the Honorable Neil Gorsuch

To:  The U.S. Senate

You just aren’t getting it, are you?  The voters’ message in the last two or three elections has been, “We are sick and tired or your failure to get the peoples’ business done, due to partisan political bickering!”  The nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch is a perfect example.

Judge Gorsuch is a man of good moral character.  He has not been convicted of a crime.  He has impeccable academic credentials.  As a private attorney, he did not commit any ethical violations.  As a judge, very few of his decisions have been overturned, and he has voted with the majority more often than not.  His writings are highly regarded.

You Democrats need to stand tall, suck in your gut, and accept reality.  Donald Trump is the president, and if Judge Gorsuch is not approved then you will be faced with another conservative nominee.  Meanwhile, you will leave the supreme court deadlocked, and unable to do the peoples’ business.

Judge Gorsuch is less of an ideologue than Obama appointees, Associate Justices Elena Kagan and Sonya Sotomayor.  You do not want him on the court, since the court is the only way you can advance your unpopular secular-humanist agenda.  Too bad.  You are stuck with it for the next four years.  You are upset because President Obama’s last nomination (Merritt Garland) was stopped by the Republicans.  It is history. Stop whining, get over it, and move on.

Stop blaming the Russians because you lost in 2016.  You lost because you ran a bad candidate.  You lost because President Obama was a failure, and nobody wanted more of the same.  You lost because you put the interests of your party establishment ahead of the interests of the people by running Hilary Clinton because it was “her turn.”  You lost because you were willing to let the middle class take hit after hit in order to advance the “greater good” of achieving your socialist utopia.  Wise up!  Now you are falling over the same rock twice.  The only people who still believe in your socialist garbage are college professors and their brainwashed students.

If you Republicans don’t get all your donkeys hitched up so that they pull in the same direction, you are going to screw up.  You have a two-year window of opportunity to bring about real change that will benefit all the American people.  How can you be so tone deaf!  Put your pride of opinion in the trash can and get it done.  To paraphrase Ben Franklin, if you don’t hang together, you will all hang separately in 2018.  That is not a threat.  It is just fact.

We the People demand that the senate cut the nonsense and confirm the nomination of Judge Gorsuch without further delay.

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