Sunday, October 7, 2018


When I was about nine years old, a boy my age lived across the street.  There was a Methodist church about a block and a half away, and our mothers sent us there for Sunday school.  We were baby boomers, and the class was fairly large.  They had folding chairs set up in rows, and the Sunday school teacher taught us from in front of the class.  So, naturally we sat in the back.

As we were sitting in class one day, we both started smelling something bad.  It kept getting worse.  He nudged me with his elbow and asked me if I had “pooped.”  I said “no” and asked him if he did.  He denied it, too.  Then we started razzing each other and laughing like boys do.  “It was you.”  “I didn’t do it, it was you.”

The girl sitting in front of me turned around and gave us a knowing look like, “I know what you did.”

Then I looked down at my shoe.  There was a big wad of dog poop stuck to it.  There was so much that it wrapped around the sole.  I couldn’t decide what to do?  I couldn’t ask the teacher to the leave class to clean off my shoe.  The other kids would never let me live it down.  If I asked to go to the bathroom, everyone would think I was the one who made the stink; with the same result.

Stealthily, I extended my foot and wiped my shoe off on the metal bar that connected the legs on the back of the girl’s chair.  My friend whispered “Gross.”  We choked off the laughter; elbowing and whispering until the class finally got over.  We didn’t get caught.

It is a true story.

During the last couple of weeks, senators behaved with about as much dignity and maturity as my friend and I did that day in Sunday school.  In a sickening display of dirty politics, they tried to destroy the professional and personal life of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  It was a craven display of lust for power.  Bless him, my friend died of cancer in high school.  However, his description of the dog poop on the girl’s chair still applies quite well to the senator’s actions.  “Gross.”

There are some things to be thankful for:

1.    The hearings are over.

2.    Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed.

3.    Legislation from the bench by liberal judges will be curbed, and the constitution will be preserved and protected.

4.    The Republicans in Washington, D.C. seem united, at least temporarily, and they seem to be moving toward cooperation with President Trump.

5.    California only gets two senators.

6.    Senator Schumer’s glasses didn’t fall off the end of his nose as he sanctimoniously shook his head.

7.    And, most importantly, God answers prayer.

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