Monday, September 17, 2018

Recommended Viewing

It is a rare occasion when I recommend something.  Sometimes, friends and relatives have acted on a recommendation, and they have been disappointed.  So, I am very careful about what I endorse.

That said, I would like to recommend that you see:

“Body and Soul – The State of the Jewish Nation”
Directed by Gloria Z. Greenfield
Produced by George Violin
Associate Producers include Adam and Gila Milstein and the Zionist Organization of America
Numerous distinguished commentators

The program can be streamed through Amazon Prime, or you can order the DVD through Amazon.  It is not expensive to order the DVD.  By listing the Associate Producers, I am fully disclosing that this is a pro-Israel documentary.

If you have an open mind, and if you want to hear both sides of the story, you will find in this work the Jewish case for the existence of Israel as a nation-state with Jerusalem as its capitol.  It is clear, concise, correct, and complete.

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