Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Blame Game

The noted Psychologist, Dr. Albert Ellis, was correct when he said something to the effect that the most difficult thing a person can do is to acknowledge they have a problem and then change their behavior.  You see, in order to change, we must understand what we are doing wrong and accept responsibility for it.  Then we can hold ourselves accountable to fix it.

The tendency to blame others is nowhere more obvious than in politics.  The Left says that President Trump is to blame for the Corona Virus crisis getting out of hand and the disruption it has caused.  President Trump rightfully points out that people like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio have mishandled things so badly many preventable deaths have occurred.  President Trump has also correctly said that the world pandemic is China’s fault.

However, we need to remember that blaming someone does not fix things.  The Communist Chinese, our federal government, and state and local governments are groups of fallible people operating in uncertainty with incomplete and imperfect information.  Often, decisions were made on the advice of “experts” who did not have all the facts.  China failed to act to protect anyone but themselves.  When a situation demands action, and leaders fail to act, there are outcomes for which they are answerable.  When the situation demanded action, Americans made the best decisions they could in an undefined environment, and we are getting through it.  What we need now is for our leaders to set politics aside and work together to find better ways to cope.  There is no single answer to most problems.  Since they have multiple causes, they must be corrected at multiple levels of government, and people must work together.

There has been rioting, looting, burning, assaults, and killing in our cities all summer.  City and state governments have not stopped the violence.  Many say that the Democratic mayors and governors there are afraid to “alienate their base.”  President Trump seems to think that they are just too weak to do what is necessary when the going gets difficult.  Some believe they are letting the violence continue to damage President Trump’s chances for reelection.  President Trump has offered federal help to quell the unrest, but it has been refused.  The mayor of Portland blamed President Trump for the rioting, saying that it is due to his “divisive” policies.

The bottom line is that when the blame game the only game in town, nothing gets done.

“Don't find fault, find a remedy.”
(Henry Ford) *

The remedy is coming in November.  Reelect President Trump and give him a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.  Elect Republican governors and give them Republican majorities in the state legislatures. Elect Republican mayors, city councils, and county commissioners.  Thank you.

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